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20020612: gprcm
- Subject: 20020612: gprcm
- Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 16:52:50 -0600
On Fri, 3 May 2002, Robert Mullenax wrote:
> Chiz,
> I just placed our modified gprcm (as gprcm.tar.Z) in the incoming directory
> in the gbuddy account. It was done by one of our IT programmers
> that has been here for almost 20 years. I included a FILTER_README.txt
> which describes how to specify the filtering. You can do whatever
> you think best with it.. I use the centroid thinning a lot..but
> gave up on the tops and mesos because of the spurious data
> sent out in the RCMs. I grid the NET data and then use gdplot
> to put on tops.
> Hope this contributes in some small way back to Unidata.
> Robert Mullenax
I have packed up a tarfile of a new gprcm version that employs
filtering in the gbuddy ftp account:
I looked at the FILTER in your contrib file, as well as the various
output files etc. I basically developed the filter based on the
sfmap idea of determining the bounding areas of text, markers and
barbs, and then using them to control overlap. This is different than
the maxtop filter you have which filters based on the top value.
The filter is based on the device normal coordinates, so zooming in
will maintain the degree of overlap allowed will gaining more data.
The filter can be specified for each of the centroid, tvs, meso, and
maxtop parameters using the same variables as before, just adding the ;filter
value (instead of creating a new variable). Filter can be Y, N, or
a real number as in other programs.
The main rewrite of the program is to use templates correctly.
I created a RCMDAT template in datatype.tbl like:
SCAT_NIL 72 4320 60
(excuse the line wrap)
Then the rcm invocation can look like:
MAP Map color/dash/width/filter flag 8
GAREA Graphics area us
PROJ Map projection/angles/margins|dr STR/90.0;-105.0;0.0
SATFIL Satellite image filename(s)
RADFIL Radar image filename(s)
LATLON Line color/dash/width/freq/inc/l 0
PANEL Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn 0
TITLE Title color/line/title 1/-2/Radar Summary
TEXT Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw 1/22/1/hw
CLEAR Clear screen flag YES
DEVICE Device|name|x size;y size|color xw
RCMFIL RCM data file rcmdat
RADTIM Radar composite current/dattim current
RADDUR Radar time window (minutes prior 90
DITHER dither level 0
MESO meso color/marker/size/width/hw; 4/1/1/2/hw;.7
TVS tvs color/marker/size/width/hw;f 4/2/1/2/hw;n
CNTR Centroid barb color/size/width;f 1/.7/1;.6
MAXTOP Maxtop color;filter 6;1.3
RADINFO Radar status color 5
ECHO Plot radar echoes (0,1,2) 0
CLRBAR Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq|t 5
LUTFIL Enhancement lookup table filenam
IMBAR Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq|t
OUTPUT Output device/filename t
This saves the need to have a shell cat a bunch of files.
You can either use a template, or a list of files. At any rate,
its much faster than the old way of grabbing several hours in a file.
I also added the OUTPUT parameter which allows you to store the
information output by the program to a file, or supress it all
together (output=N). I saw that you had specific files being created-
but I didn't want to go that route to recreate the OUTPUT usage in GEMPAK.
Anyhow, you probably want to keep your version, but you might want to
try out the new version in a separate location- if at least for
the template usage.