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ECMWF funniness . . .
- Subject: ECMWF funniness . . .
- Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 01:43:14 +0000
We had been tasked to take some ECMWF ensemble data into gempak, and came
upon an oddity (yet again, Bracknell goes by their rules and not the WMO). I
made some minor changes to a single source file, and send it to you to
implement (or not) as you wish.
The file that makes everything better is:
You have our blessing (actually, it would make my life easier) to put in your
source tree.
Stonie R. Cooper,
Science Officer
Planetary Data, Incorporated
3495 Liberty Road
Villa Rica, Georgia 30180
ph. (770) 456-0700; pg. (888) 974-5017; fx. (770) 459-0016
#include "gbcmn.h"
void gb_ensemble ( buff )
unsigned char *buff;
* gb_ensemble *
* *
* This function decodes section 1 (Product Definition Section) *
* assuming it contains an ensemble extension (octet 41 = 1). *
* Entries are made or corrected in the global PDS structure. *
* *
* gb_ensemble ( buff ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *buff unsigned char PDS buffer *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 2/96 New *
* M. Linda/GSC 10/97 Corrected the prologue format *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 12/00 Added prototypes *
int indx;
char ctmp[32];
/* Planetary Data, Incorporated, added code: 20010523.0106; */
/* address@hidden */
/* */
/* added var for originating agency; need to correct idnum for ECMWF */
/* */
int agency = 0;
/* */
int appl, type, idnum, product, smooth, prob_type, prob_def;
int first_byte, isign, ia, ib;
float lower, upper;
char cpds[32];
int ext_flag;
/* Planetary Data, Incorporated, added code: 20010523.0106; */
/* address@hidden */
/* */
/* retrieve the agency that issued the ensemble */
/* */
indx = 4;
agency = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
/* */
indx = 40;
appl = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
indx = 41;
type = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
/* Planetary Data, Incorporated, added code: 20010523.0106; */
/* address@hidden */
/* */
/* the ECMWF has a different location for the ensemble leg value */
/* */
if (agency == 98)
indx = 49;
indx = 42;
/* */
idnum = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
indx = 43;
product = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
indx = 44;
smooth = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
if ( GBDIAG_PDS == TRUE ) {
printf(" PDS EXT byte 41 (appl) = %d\n", appl );
printf(" PDS EXT byte 42 (type) = %d\n", type );
printf(" PDS EXT byte 43 (idnum) = %d\n", idnum );
printf(" PDS EXT byte 44 (product) = %d\n", product );
printf(" PDS EXT byte 45 (smooth) = %d\n", smooth );
ext_flag = 0;
cpds[0] = '\0';
if ( pds.length <= 45 || ( pds.length > 45 &&
pds.parameter != 191 && pds.parameter != 192 ) ) {
* Normal processing
ext_flag = 1;
switch ( type ) {
case 1 : /* Unperturbed control fcst */
sprintf( cpds, "C%03d", idnum );
case 2 : /* Individual neg perturbed fcst */
sprintf( cpds, "N%03d", idnum );
case 3 : /* Individual pos perturbed fcst */
sprintf( cpds, "P%03d", idnum );
case 4 : /* Cluster */
switch ( product ) {
case 1 : /* Unweighted mean */
strcpy ( ctmp, "CM" );
case 2 : /* Weighted mean */
strcpy ( ctmp, "WM" );
case 3 : /* Unweighted median */
strcpy ( ctmp, "CH" );
case 4 : /* Weighted median */
strcpy ( ctmp, "WH" );
case 11 : /* Stddev wrt ens mean */
strcpy ( ctmp, "CS" );
case 12 : /* Stddev wrt ens mean, nrml */
strcpy ( ctmp, "CN" );
case 21 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmean */
strcpy ( ctmp, "WS" );
case 22 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmean,nrml */
strcpy ( ctmp, "WN" );
case 31 : /* Stddev wrt ens median */
strcpy ( ctmp, "CD" );
case 32 : /* Stddev wrt ens median,nrml */
strcpy ( ctmp, "CR" );
case 41 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmedian */
strcpy ( ctmp, "WD" );
case 42 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmedian,nrml*/
strcpy ( ctmp, "WR" );
sprintf( cpds, "%s%02d", ctmp, idnum );
case 5 : /* Whole ensemble */
strcpy ( cpds, "EN" );
switch ( product ) {
case 1 : /* Unweighted mean */
strcat ( cpds, "MA" );
case 2 : /* Weighted mean */
strcat ( cpds, "MW" );
case 3 : /* Unweighted median */
strcat ( cpds, "HA" );
case 4 : /* Weighted median */
strcat ( cpds, "HW" );
case 11 : /* Stddev wrt ens mean */
strcat ( cpds, "SA" );
case 12 : /* Stddev wrt ens mean, nrml */
strcat ( cpds, "NA" );
case 21 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmean */
strcat ( cpds, "SW" );
case 22 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmean,nrml */
strcat ( cpds, "NW" );
case 31 : /* Stddev wrt ens median */
strcat ( cpds, "DA" );
case 32 : /* Stddev wrt ens median,nrml */
strcat ( cpds, "RA" );
case 41 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmedian */
strcat ( cpds, "DW" );
case 42 : /* Stddev wrt ens wmedian,nrml*/
strcat ( cpds, "RW" );
else if ( pds.length > 45 &&
( pds.parameter == 191 || pds.parameter == 192 ) ) {
* Probability processing
indx = 45;
prob_def = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
indx = 46;
prob_type = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
ext_flag = 1;
* BYTES 48-51, 52-55
* Limit values. The limit values are floating point
* numbers constructed from various parts of these
* two pairs of four bytes. First lower limit then upper limit.
indx = 47;
first_byte = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
isign = first_byte >> 7;
ia = first_byte & 127;
indx = 48;
ib = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 3, FALSE );
lower = (float) ( pow(-1.0,(double)isign) *
pow(2.0,-24.0) * (double) ib *
pow(16.0,(double)ia-64.0) );
indx = 51;
first_byte = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 1, FALSE );
isign = first_byte >> 7;
ia = first_byte & 127;
indx = 52;
ib = gb_btoi( buff, indx, 3, FALSE );
upper = (float) ( pow(-1.0,(double)isign) *
pow(2.0,-24.0) * (double) ib *
pow(16.0,(double)ia-64.0) );
* Check for lower, upper or range.
switch ( prob_type ) {
case 1 :
sprintf( cpds, "%04dPB", (int) lower );
case 2 :
sprintf( cpds, "%04dPA", (int) upper );
case 3 :
sprintf( cpds, "%04d%4d", (int) lower, (int) upper );
if ( type == 4 ) {
* Check if probability is for cluster.
sprintf( ctmp, "%02d", idnum );
strcat ( cpds, ctmp );
else if ( pds.time_range == 5 ) {
* Check tendency.
strcat ( cpds, "TN" );
* Switch octet 46 info into pds octet 9 slot.
pds.parameter = prob_def;
if ( GBDIAG_PDS == TRUE ) {
printf(" PDS EXT byte 46 (prob_def) = %d\n",
prob_def );
printf(" PDS EXT byte 47 (prob_type) = %d\n",
prob_type );
printf(" PDS EXT bytes 48- 51 (lower) = %04d\n", (int)
lower );
printf(" PDS EXT bytes 52- 55 (upper) = %04d\n", (int)
upper );
printf(" PDS byte 9 (pds.parameter) = %d\n",
pds.parameter );
pds.pdse = ext_flag;
strcpy ( pds.extension, cpds );