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20000726: DATTIM when plotting NGM MOS
- Subject: 20000726: DATTIM when plotting NGM MOS
- Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 13:03:00 -0600
>From: address@hidden (Chris Hennon)
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200007261509.e6QF9XT27366
>Steve -
>I'd like to create graphical forecast analyses out to 54 hours for my NGM
>MOS data. What I can't figure out is how to automatically handle the
>'DATTIM' parameter to encompass all of the forecast times in the NGM MOS
>file. For example, lets say that I want to run my script on the
>2000073000.nmos file. I would need oabsfc to process the following times:
>Setting DATTIM = all doesn't seem to do the trick. Short of writing up
>complicated csh code, is there a solution? For numerical models already
>gridded it was easy with the 'f0xx' designation in the GDATTIM parameter.
>Then you didn't have to worry about months and days. Thanks.
>| Chris Hennon Ohio State University |
>| Tropical Meteorology address@hidden |
>| |
>| Dept of Geography Office: 1155 Derby Hall |
>| 1036 Derby Hall Phone : (614) 292-2704 |
>| Columbus, OH 43210 Fax : (614) 292-6213 |
I'm not sure why DATTIM=all doesn't do the trick for you.
Although, you may be having a simple problem which you can see
when you run interactively.
SFFILE = $GEMDATA/mos/2000072612_nmos.gem
GDFILE = ngmgrid.gem
SFPARM = tmpf
DATTIM = all
DTAAREA = dset
when I run, I get:
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:
Time: 000726/1800
Pass1, pass2
Then the prompt again for the next time:
Time: 000726/2100
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:
So, if your oabsfc invocation had:
oabsfc << EOF
Then the program would exit after the first time is gridded if you
have the exit at that point. It would be possible- but combersome to
use the above, with a return for every prompt from the program.
The alternative is to simply use:
oabsfc << EOF
$respond = n
oabsfc << EOF1
$respond = yes
The $respond GEMPAK parameter tells the program not to prompt you for response
each time.
You will definitely want to remember to set this back to $respond=yes if you
are going
to do anymore work in this directory...with $respond=no, the program exits as
as it is done, without gining you a chance to do anything else.
The other solution is to use the sfctime program I mentioned to you last time
to get the times in the file, then foreach time, run oabsfc.
If this isn't the problem you are having, let me know.
Steve Chiswell