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20000310: GRIB identifiers
- Subject: 20000310: GRIB identifiers
- Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:44:22 -0700
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 200003131922.MAA08549
>>The directory structure under $SAT is shown in the nsat section of the
>>The GOES8 and GOES9 are just convenience variable- not needed. GARP, NSAT
>>in the next release NMAP, use the directory structure to classify the
>>The sat files can be either GINI from NOAAport or McIDAS area files. The
>>products can be either NIDS format from NOAAport or McIDAS area files.
>>See: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/gempak/tutorial/nsat.html
>NSAT is confusing me a bit. I understand the directory structure from the
>nsat.html, but I'm not sure if the actual files get stored there or is it a
>link? I would be ok with entries in pqact.conf that put these files in
>your specific directory struture (do you have any sample pqact entries?)
>I'm also not sure what these scripts do and if I need to set them up since
>I don't have area files.
>I know how busy you are, but would appreciate any more info you can
Our AREA files come with names like AREA0120, AREA0121, etc. Those names don't
tell the uses what is in them, so I have to rename them in to the $SAT
directory struction. These can be either links, or files. Since we have
McIDAS users as well, I just create links to the files to avoid storing
sets of data- and I use the areaInfo program to read the area files and output
the necessary file name info from the McIDAS data. You don't have to work about
of this. My intention of pointing you to the nsat page was to give you the
basic directory heirachy that Garp and NSAT use to produce the sucession of
menu entries in the GUI. When you pop up the browser, those GUIs use the
GOES-8, GINI-E, SUPER-NATIONAL etc names to make a top level of widges to
select what
satellite. Then After selecting a widget, the GUI uses the resolution (1km,
4km, 8km etc)
subdirectory names under the sector name to provide the next level of menu.
the file/times are presented. Its just a directory structure to shorten the
search through the available files.
For the GINI data off the NOAAport feed, you can create pqact.conf entries to
file the data directly into the $SAT structure (or Glenn Rutledge had mentioned
using a script from COMET to do the same). In my NOAAport stream, I actually
rename the products so that all the pieces needed in the file structure-
eg the sector, resolution, band, platform are all in the LDM id...I know you
don't have this.
An example of filing the data directly from pqact.conf would look like:
TIG([EW])01 KNES ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9])
FILE data/gempak/images/sat/GINI-\1/1km/VIS/VIS_(\2:yy)(\2:mm)\2_\3\4
TIGN01 KNES ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9])
FILE data/gempak/images/sat/SUPER-NATIONAL/8km/VIS/VIS_(\1:yy)(\1:mm)\1_\2\3
In the above, the first line will capture the 01 (visible) images from
the CONUS Goes East and GOES West and file them to the appropriate
ditectory name. The ([EW]) allows the one line to work for both East and West.
The second line is an example of the 8km supernational composite. Though,
you could have a single line of ([A-Z]) etc for
GINI-E, GINI-W, GINI-N, GINI-I etc....however, that forces the user to know that
GINI-P is a Puerto Rico sector.
Since the WMO type of names like TIGW01 don't really relate well to directory
names, you just have to have a lot of pqact.conf entries for all the different
combinations of the sector and band identifiers. You just have to copy and
paste a lot in the pqact.conf file so that you have separate entries for
01, 02, 03, 04, 05 for VIS, IR, IR12.0, IR3.9 and WV respectively
as well as sector/resolution names.
My products in the LDM look like:
sat/ch2/GOES-10/WV/20000311 1045/WEST-CONUS/8km/ TIGW05 KNES 111045
sat/ch2/GOES-10/IR/20000311 1045/WEST-CONUS/4km/ TIGW02 KNES 111045
sat/ch2/GOES-10/12.0/20000311 1045/WEST-CONUS/4km/ TIGW03 KNES 111045
sat/ch2/GOES-10/VIS/20000311 1100/WEST-CONUS/1km/ TIGW01 KNES 111100
sat/ch2/GOES-10/3.9/20000311 1100/WEST-CONUS/4km/ TIGW04 KNES 111100
So I just store the products using the individual pieces I can parse out.
Steve Chiswell