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20000310: GRIB identifiers
- Subject: 20000310: GRIB identifiers
- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:50:54 -0700
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 200003101832.LAA18204
>I'll try our NWS contacts to see if we can get them to use KWBG. It can't
>hurt to ask?
>I have a couple of questions about the Gemenviron excerpts below:
> setenv GEMDATA /npraid/nawips/nawipsdata
> setenv NTRANS_META $GEMDATA/meta
> setenv TEXT_DATA $GEMDATA/nwx
> setenv AFOS_DATA $NAWIPS/tmp
> setenv AFOS_LOG $NAWIPS/tmp
> setenv AFOS_BIN $NAWIPS/tmp
> setenv AFOS_ALARMS $NAWIPS/tmp
>As far as I can tell, nothing will be put into these directories by the
>what should go in here (especially the meta and nwx)?
$NTRANS_META is the directory that "ntrans" searches when looking
for meta files (created using the nc device driver). If you wanted
to use ntrans for briefings, you would pregenerate youe graphics
and place in that tree for use in a map discussion. Ntrans just
displays the images...some people like this because its faster than
generating maps on the fly in the middle of a discussion. See:
$TEXT_DATA is the directory tree that "nwx" look in for text products
it displays. I have a whole section in the tutorial showing LDM
FILE actions for writing the forecast products, bulletins, etc. See:
The AFOS variables are used by the nafos/viewfax gui. We don't have
access to that data, so its not a tool that we use. Some forecasts offices
use it.
># Location of NSAT directory tree "Required!!"...must exist
> setenv SAT /npraid/noaaport/data
>Are these the 'raw' files from the NOAAPort as placed by the LDM and are
>their any specific directories
>and filenames below here? I sort of made up my own directory structure and
> filenames.
The directory structure under $SAT is shown in the nsat section of the tutorial.
The GOES8 and GOES9 are just convenience variable- not needed. GARP, NSAT and
in the next release NMAP, use the directory structure to classify the products.
The sat files can be either GINI from NOAAport or McIDAS area files. The radar
products can be either NIDS format from NOAAport or McIDAS area files.
See: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/gempak/tutorial/nsat.html
> setenv RAW_SAO $GEMDATA/raw/sao
> setenv RAW_SYN $GEMDATA/raw/syn
> setenv RAW_UPA $GEMDATA/raw/upperair
>What should the filenames look like in these 'raw' directories and are they
> used anywhere?
These are more convenience variables for undecoded data just filed from the LDM.
> setenv NIDS $GEMDATA/nexrad
>Is this the SDUS data? What should the filenames look like and is it used?
Yes, NIDS. You can keep these seaparate from the $SAT tree, or use the same
The tree format is the same as the satellite files.
The $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults file uses $SAT, $NIDS, $HDS, and $GEMDATA
for determining where to look for data.
> setenv TORN_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn/torn_warn
> setenv TSTRM_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn/tstrm_warn
>Raw files?
Yes, these are the WUUS and WFUS files (as entries shown in the nwx examples:
Again, these are convenience variables for my gpwarn program which draws the
county or zone outlines for the Fips/UGC codes included in warnings (also
flood, freeze, winter weather, non-precip bulletins- anything that
has a UGC line in it like NCZ102 or NCZALL or NCC001-009>023 etc).
>Sorry for all the questions....Alan.
When I refer to "convenience variables", those are just environmental variables
that can be used in scripts, or shorthand to avaoid a bunch of typing.
The variables used by the GUIs are required. In general, you should use the
Gemenviron to define HDS, GEMDATA, SAT, NIDS because the Garp_defaults file
refers to these same variables, you shouldn't change the variable names in
the Garp_defaults file because it will make upgrades difficult for you to
maintain. The Gemenviron is an attempt to make most local site configurations
condensed into a single spot, and each user can source that 1 configuration
Steve Chiswell