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20000104: Problem with Gempak5.4 patch 14 for Garp
- Subject: 20000104: Problem with Gempak5.4 patch 14 for Garp
- Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 15:59:30 -0700
>From: Mike Leuthold <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 200001042051.NAA00464
> I'm having a problem with Garp crashing when displaying McIDAS
>GOES area files from the IDD. Garp will crash when selecting any image
>for display. Nsat can display them fine, and Garp will display other AREA
>files, such as our own hires GOES imagery and nids files. Have you had
>anyone else report problems?
> I am also having trouble with gprcm now. It was working up until
>a few days ago (after the new year) however, I've changed quite a bit of
>software (gempak for example). I get 'failed to read radar projection
>#906'. I've tried going back to older versions of gempak, thinking the
>problem may be there, and older pqact thinking something isn't decoding
>correctly, but neither has helped. Any reported problems here or is it
>something I've done.
>Mike Leuthold
>Atmospheric Sciences/Institute of Atmospheric Physics
>University of Arizona
did you install and update the imar2gm.f routine I made available yesterday?
This will fix a bug in the titles when reading the 3 digit years in the
IDD areafiles (GEMPAK expecte 2 or 4 digits). I announced the availability
yesterday afternoon- so you might not have gotten to it yet.
Also, for the gprcm, you can enter at the end of the $GEMTBL/grid/grdnav.tbl
RCM 906 STR 90 -105 0 23.090 -119.036 45.619 -60.000 113 89 3.75 0