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20000104: garp segentation fault
- Subject: 20000104: garp segentation fault
- Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 13:05:08 -0700
I don't know about your make time message, but after you built the
imar2gm file in the gemlib.a file (you can verify this is updated with
the command "ar tv $GEMLIB/gemlib.a imar2gm.o" and checking the date)
if you hadn't done a "make clean" when you built garp from patch14
the otherday, you should need to remove $GARPHOME/sol/garp before
relinking garp with:
make all
make install
The reason I mention the above is that since your xpm.a library was already
then make clean probably hasn't been run since the initial build and
the garp executable may not have been relinked.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
>From: "Mark J. Laufersweiler" <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 200001041908.MAA25512
>> Mark,
>> The message I sent out yeaterday about fixing the imar2gm.f routine
>> is what is needed to correctly display the satellite strings. Some
>> platforms will core dump when trying to display the garbage- while
>> some systems just display the garbage characters.
>> Nsat also needs to be updated for the "19" hardcoded in the title bar
>> if you use that program.
>> In $NAWIPS/nprogs/nsat/source/file.c, around line 79 should be updated from:
>> sprintf(tmpdate, "%s %s 19%s", day, months[m-1], year);
>> to:
>> if(year[0] < '2')
>> sprintf(tmpdate, "%s %s 20%s", day, months[m-1], year);
>> else
>> sprintf(tmpdate, "%s %s 19%s", day, months[m-1], year);
>> Steve Chiswell
>> Unidata User Support
>Thanks for the quick reply but I did install the laatest fix. I
>still get the segmentation fault error. What I did notice was an
>interesting line in the make of garp:
>ar: creating xpm.a
>ar: writing xpm.a
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt2/nawips/garp/xpm/sol'
>make: *** File `/opt2/nawips/garp/xpm/sol/xpm.a' has modification
>time in the future
>Make sol/garp end time is Tue Jan 4 12:59:33 CST 2000
>Make end time is Tue Jan 4 12:59:34 CST 2000
>Is this pointing to a y2k in make?
> Dr. Mark J. Laufersweiler |
> School of Meteorology | If "con" is the opposite of "pro,"
> University of Oklahoma | then what is the opposite of
> address@hidden | progress?
> (405) 325-6032 |
> (405) 325-7689 (fax) |