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Re: clarification of LDM pqact.conf Y2K bug
- Subject: Re: clarification of LDM pqact.conf Y2K bug
- Date: Sun, 2 Jan 100 17:00:56 -0800 (PST)
We were running the 5.4 version of the decoders instead of 5.4.12. But
I still recompiled the 5.4.12 version of dcgrib since it used ti_itoc,
which was fixed in the latest bug release.
> Harry Edmon wrote:
> >
> > Hold on - I am recompiling dcgrib. I think one of the fixes for garp
> > fixes this also.
> Ok, I have moved my new pqact_damp.conf file to
> ~stoves/pqact_damp.conf and restored the old version from its copy in
> pqact_damp.conf.y2kbug.
> David
Dr. Harry Edmon E-MAIL: address@hidden
(206) 543-0547 FAX: (206) 543-0308
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195-1640
From address@hidden Sun Jan 2 17:21:58 2000
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Sun, 2 Jan 2000 16:21:56 -0800 (PST)
From: David Ovens <address@hidden>
Message-Id: <address@hidden>
Subject: LDM pqact.conf Y2K failures and solutions
To: address@hidden (Harry Edmon),
address@hidden (Cliff Mass),
address@hidden (Mark Albright)
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 100 16:21:56 -0800 (PST)
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Harry, Cliff, Mark,
cc: address@hidden
Subject: LDM pqact.conf Y2K failures and solutions
Looks like from the ~ldm/data/nps_grib/ data that we are actually
receiving the AVN (avn-x and avn-q) and NGM (ngm-q) GRIB-format models
through the LDM, but that the conversion to GEMPAK from the
pqact_damp.conf file is failing in a funny way --> it is actually
creating ~ldm/data/gempak/hds/ files, but instead of being called
2000010112_ngm.gem or 2000010112_thin.gem
they are called
20100010/2_ngm.gem and 20100010/2_thin.gem
The GRIB data is storing fine in YYYYMMDDHH format.
The LDM pqact.conf "YYYY" entries are failing miserably, while the
(\1:yyyy) entries are working.
I'll fix this by using the (\1:yyyy) format for everything. I've
cc'ed this email to Unidata, in case others are having these problems.
David Ovens e-mail: address@hidden
(206) 685-8108
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Box 351640
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
From address@hidden Sun Jan 2 17:44:28 2000
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Sun, 2 Jan 2000 16:44:27 -0800 (PST)
From: David Ovens <address@hidden>
Message-Id: <address@hidden>
Subject: clarification of LDM pqact.conf Y2K bug
To: address@hidden (Harry Edmon), address@hidden
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 100 16:44:27 -0800 (PST)
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Harry and Unidata,
My previous email implied that all "YYYY" entries in the pqact.conf
file were failing. That is not true, as I look more closely I see
that it must be the GEMPAK decoder that is translating that and not
the LDM.
In the end, only dcgrib is failing with the "YYYY" conversion (getting
20100 for the year instead of 2000), while the following are all
David Ovens e-mail: address@hidden
(206) 685-8108
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Box 351640
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195