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19990105: time sections...
- Subject: 19990105: time sections...
- Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 13:24:35 -0700
>From: Maureen Ballard <address@hidden>
>Organization: UK Ag Weather Center
>Keywords: 199901051932.MAA09153
>Well, we survived the year boundary with all the gempak scripts we have
>running - weren't reallly sure what to expect!
>Any way, I had started at looking how to do some time sections a month
>or so ago but got sidetracked. What I want to do is, for instance, using
>a model, plot the relh at all levels for one station over a period of
>time. I tried using GDTSERV but that only gives a time station for a
>specific level. Is there any program available that I can do this with?
>I wasn't able to find anything in the manual help pages online or
>searching through the mailing list. Any help would be appreciated.
>Maureen Moore Ballard address@hidden
>Staff Meteorologist ph: 606-257-3000ext244
>Ag. Weather Center fax: 606-257-5671
>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
>HOMEPAGE http://wwwagwx.ca.uky.edu
You can plot a time series cross section for a model using the forecast times
at a single station or point with the program GDTHGT (grid time vs height).
For a Relh cross section for model forecast hours f000 through f048 for
today's 12Z eta for instance at SDF:
GDATTIM = f000-f048
GFUNC = relh
GVCORD = pres
PTYPE = log
GVECT = obs
GDFILE = $HDS/99010512_eta211.gem
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support