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Re: [ldm-users] RUC to RAP fun: Lov now -95 ?

Hi Daryl,

My tests were running on single hour data so it missed the valtime offsets
in some of the hours. Runs 0, 3, 6 .. have 0-9, 12 offsets. Runs in
betweem 1, 2, 4,5, ... only have 0-3 offsets so that was the problem. It
was the my data choices of hour 2 and 4 that were a bad.

Attached is an updated cdl with some other changes. Let me know if there
are other problems.


On Wed, 9 May 2012, daryl herzmann wrote:

> On Tue, 8 May 2012, Robb Kambic wrote:
> > I've been out of the office last week plus. When the gribtonc ran on an
> > individual file there wasn't any errors. My spectulation is that there
> > are certain hours that have different time offsets. What's your take on
> > this? Tomorrow I'll be in the office and take a detailed look at this.
> I am not sure.  Here's a listing of the errors since 0z or so
> May  8 21:56:24 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 4.000000
> May  8 21:56:31 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 5.000000
> May  8 21:56:39 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 6.000000
> May  8 21:58:39 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 7.000000
> May  8 21:58:45 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 8.000000
> May  8 21:59:10 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 9.000000
> May  8 22:02:53 metfs1 gribtonc[7182]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050821_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 12.000000
> May  9 01:30:27 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 6.000000
> May  9 01:30:32 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 5.000000
> May  9 01:30:45 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 4.000000
> May  9 01:32:27 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 9.000000
> May  9 01:32:44 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 7.000000
> May  9 01:32:44 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 8.000000
> May  9 01:35:29 metfs1 gribtonc[13296]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050900_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 12.000000
> May  9 04:00:42 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 5.000000
> May  9 04:00:53 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 4.000000
> May  9 04:01:47 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 8.000000
> May  9 04:01:53 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 9.000000
> May  9 04:02:02 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 6.000000
> May  9 04:03:05 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 7.000000
> May  9 04:04:07 metfs1 gribtonc[17652]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050903_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 12.000000
> May  9 06:54:32 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 5.000000
> May  9 06:54:35 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 4.000000
> May  9 06:55:03 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 6.000000
> May  9 06:57:02 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 8.000000
> May  9 06:57:16 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 9.000000
> May  9 06:57:34 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 7.000000
> May  9 07:00:47 metfs1 gribtonc[23736]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050906_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 12.000000
> May  9 09:56:27 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 5.000000
> May  9 09:56:31 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 4.000000
> May  9 09:57:33 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 6.000000
> May  9 10:00:10 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 8.000000
> May  9 10:00:16 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 7.000000
> May  9 10:00:26 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 9.000000
> May  9 10:02:38 metfs1 gribtonc[28847]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050909_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 12.000000
> May  9 13:30:12 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 5.000000
> May  9 13:30:18 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 4.000000
> May  9 13:30:26 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 6.000000
> May  9 13:32:15 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 9.000000
> May  9 13:32:30 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 8.000000
> May  9 13:32:45 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 7.000000
> May  9 13:34:28 metfs1 gribtonc[3078]:
> /data/netcdf/GRIB/2012050912_ruc2_236.nc: new valoffset = 12.000000
> --
> /**
>   * Daryl Herzmann
>   * Assistant Scientist -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
>   * http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu
>   */

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer II                       Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
netcdf Replace_with_model_name{ 

        record = UNLIMITED ;   // (reference time, forecast time)
        x = 151 ;
        y = 113 ;
        level = 19 ;           // isobaric levels
        lpdg = 7 ;              // layer between 2 levels at specified pressure 
differences from ground to levels
        lfhg = 2 ;              // Layer Between Two Fixed Heights Above Ground
        liso = 1 ;              // Layer Between Two Isobaric
        fhg = 2 ;              // Fixed Height Above Ground
        time_len = 21 ;        // string length for datetime strings
        valtime_offset = 11 ;   // number of offset times
        nmodels = 1 ;          // number of models
        ngrids = 1 ;           // number of grids
        nav = 1 ;              // for navigation
        nav_len = 100 ;        // max string length for navigation strings


        double reftime(record) ;        // reference time of the model
               reftime:long_name = "reference time" ;
               reftime:units = "hours since 1992-1-1" ;

        double valtime(record) ;        // forecast time ("valid" time)
               valtime:long_name = "valid time" ;
               valtime:units = "hours since 1992-1-1" ;

        :record = "reftime, valtime" ;  // "dimension attribute" -- means
                                        // (reftime, valtime) uniquely
                                        // determine record

        char   datetime(record, time_len) ; // derived from reftime
               datetime:long_name = "reference date and time" ;
               // units YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ  (ISO 8601)

        double valtime_offset(valtime_offset) ; // valtime - reftime
               valtime_offset:long_name = "hours from reference time" ;
               valtime_offset:units = "hours" ;

        char   forecasttime(record, time_len) ; // derived from valtime
               forecasttime:long_name = "forecast date and time" ;
               // units YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ  (ISO 8601)

        float  level(level) ;
               level:long_name = "isobaric level" ;
               level:units = "hectopascals" ;

        :lpdg = "lpdg_bot, lpdg_top" ; // ("lpdg_bot, lpdg_top") uniquely
                                       // determines lpdg

        float  lpdg_bot(lpdg) ;
               lpdg_bot:long_name = "bottom level of layer between 2 levels at 
specified pressure differences from ground to levels " ;
               lpdg_bot:units = "hPa" ;

        float  lpdg_top(lpdg) ;
               lpdg_top:long_name = "top level of layer between 2 levels at 
specified pressure differences from ground to levels " ;
               lpdg_top:units = "hPa" ;

        :lfhg = "lfhg_bot, lfhg_top" ; // ("lfhg_bot, lfhg_top") uniquely
                                       // determines lfhg

        float  lfhg_bot(lfhg) ;
               lfhg_bot:long_name = "bottom level of Layer Between Two Fixed 
Heights Above Ground " ;
               lfhg_bot:units = "hm" ;

        float  lfhg_top(lfhg) ;
               lfhg_top:long_name = "top level of Layer Between Two Fixed 
Heights Above Ground " ;
               lfhg_top:units = "hm" ;

        :liso = "liso_bot, liso_top" ; // ("liso_bot, liso_top") uniquely
                                       // determines liso

        float  liso_bot(liso) ;
               liso_bot:long_name = "bottom level of Layer Between Two Isobaric 
" ;
               liso_bot:units = "kPa" ;

        float  liso_top(liso) ;
               liso_top:long_name = "top level of Layer Between Two Isobaric " ;
               liso_top:units = "kPa" ;

        float  fhg(fhg) ;
               fhg:long_name = "Fixed Height Above Ground" ;
               fhg:units = "meters" ;

        long   model_id(nmodels) ;
               model_id:long_name = "generating process ID number" ;

        // navigation variables all use nav dimension

        char   nav_model(nav, nav_len) ;        // navigation parameterization
               nav_model:long_name = "navigation model name" ;

        int    grid_type_code(nav) ;
               grid_type_code:long_name = "GRIB-1 GDS data representation type" 

        char   grid_type(nav, nav_len) ;
               grid_type:long_name = "GRIB-1 grid type" ;

        char   grid_name(nav, nav_len) ;
               grid_name:long_name = "grid name" ;

        int    grid_center(nav) ;
               grid_center:long_name = "GRIB-1 originating center ID" ;

        int    grid_number(nav, ngrids) ;
               grid_number:long_name = "GRIB-1 catalogued grid numbers" ;
               grid_number:_FillValue = -9999 ;

        char   x_dim(nav, nav_len) ;
               x_dim:long_name = "x dimension name" ;

        char   y_dim(nav, nav_len) ;
               y_dim:long_name = "y dimension name" ;

        long   Nx(nav) ;
               Nx:long_name = "number of points along x-axis" ;

        long   Ny(nav) ;
               Ny:long_name =  "number of points along y-axis" ;

        float  La1(nav) ;
               La1:long_name = "latitude of first grid point" ;
               La1:units = "degrees_north" ;

        float  Lo1(nav) ;
               Lo1:long_name = "longitude of first grid point" ;
               Lo1:units = "degrees_east" ;

        float  Lov(nav) ;
               Lov:long_name = "orientation of the grid" ;
               Lov:units = "degrees_east" ;

        float  Dx(nav) ;
               Dx:long_name = "x-direction grid length" ;
               Dx:units = "m" ;

        float  Dy(nav) ;
               Dy:long_name = "y-direction grid length" ;
               Dy:units = "m" ;

        byte   ProjFlag(nav) ;
               ProjFlag:long_name = "projection center flag" ;

        float  Latin1(nav) ;
               Latin1:long_name = "first intersecting latitude" ;
               Latin1:units = "degrees_north" ;

        float  Latin2(nav) ;
               Latin2:long_name = "second intersecting latitude" ;
               Latin2:units = "degrees_north" ;

        float  SpLat(nav) ;
               SpLat:long_name = "latitude of the southern pole" ;
               SpLat:units = "degrees_north" ;

        float  SpLon(nav) ;
               SpLon:long_name = "longitude of the southern pole" ;
               SpLon:units = "degrees_east" ;

        byte   ResCompFlag(nav) ;
               ResCompFlag:long_name = "resolution and component flags" ;

        // end of navigation variables

        float  Z(record,level,y,x) ;
               Z:long_name = "Geopotential height at Isobaric" ;
               Z:GRIB_parameter_number = 7 ;
               Z:GRIB_level_flag = 100 ;
               Z:units = "gp m" ;
               Z:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               Z:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  Z_clbs(record,y,x) ;
               Z_clbs:long_name = "Geopotential height at Cloud Base" ;
               Z_clbs:GRIB_parameter_number = 7 ;
               Z_clbs:GRIB_level_flag = 2 ;
               Z_clbs:units = "gp m" ;
               Z_clbs:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               Z_clbs:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  Z_cltp(record,y,x) ;
               Z_cltp:long_name = "Geopotential height at Cloud Top" ;
               Z_cltp:GRIB_parameter_number = 7 ;
               Z_cltp:GRIB_level_flag = 3 ;
               Z_cltp:units = "gp m" ;
               Z_cltp:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               Z_cltp:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  Z_frzlvl(record,y,x) ;
               Z_frzlvl:long_name = "Geopotential height at 0 Isotherm" ;
               Z_frzlvl:GRIB_parameter_number = 7 ;
               Z_frzlvl:GRIB_level_flag = 4 ;
               Z_frzlvl:units = "gp m" ;
               Z_frzlvl:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               Z_frzlvl:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  Z_cctl(record,y,x) ;
               Z_cctl:long_name = "Geopotential height at Convective cloud top 
level" ;
               Z_cctl:GRIB_parameter_number = 7 ;
               Z_cctl:GRIB_level_flag = 243 ;
               Z_cctl:units = "gp m" ;
               Z_cctl:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               Z_cctl:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  omega(record,level,y,x) ;
               omega:long_name = "Pressure vertical velocity at Isobaric" ;
               omega:GRIB_parameter_number = 39 ;
               omega:GRIB_level_flag = 100 ;
               omega:units = "Pa/s" ;
               omega:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               omega:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  v(record,level,y,x) ;
               v:long_name = "v-component of wind at Isobaric" ;
               v:GRIB_parameter_number = 34 ;
               v:GRIB_level_flag = 100 ;
               v:units = "m/s" ;
               v:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               v:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  v_lpdg(record,lpdg,y,x) ;
               v_lpdg:long_name = "v-component of wind at layer between 2 
levels at specified pressure differences from ground to levels" ;
               v_lpdg:GRIB_parameter_number = 34 ;
               v_lpdg:GRIB_level_flag = 116 ;
               v_lpdg:units = "m/s" ;
               v_lpdg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               v_lpdg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  v_maxwind(record,y,x) ;
               v_maxwind:long_name = "v-component of wind at Maximum Wind" ;
               v_maxwind:GRIB_parameter_number = 34 ;
               v_maxwind:GRIB_level_flag = 6 ;
               v_maxwind:units = "m/s" ;
               v_maxwind:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               v_maxwind:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  v_fhg(record,fhg,y,x) ;
               v_fhg:long_name = "v-component of wind at Fixed Height Above 
Ground" ;
               v_fhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 34 ;
               v_fhg:GRIB_level_flag = 105 ;
               v_fhg:units = "m/s" ;
               v_fhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               v_fhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  v_trop(record,y,x) ;
               v_trop:long_name = "v-component of wind at Tropopause" ;
               v_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 34 ;
               v_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
               v_trop:units = "m/s" ;
               v_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               v_trop:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  T(record,level,y,x) ;
               T:long_name = "Temperature at Isobaric" ;
               T:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
               T:GRIB_level_flag = 100 ;
               T:units = "degK" ;
               T:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               T:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  T_trop(record,y,x) ;
               T_trop:long_name = "Temperature at Tropopause" ;
               T_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
               T_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
               T_trop:units = "degK" ;
               T_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               T_trop:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  T_fhg(record,fhg,y,x) ;
               T_fhg:long_name = "Temperature at Fixed Height Above Ground" ;
               T_fhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
               T_fhg:GRIB_level_flag = 105 ;
               T_fhg:units = "degK" ;
               T_fhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               T_fhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  T_lpdg(record,lpdg,y,x) ;
               T_lpdg:long_name = "Temperature at layer between 2 levels at 
specified pressure differences from ground to levels" ;
               T_lpdg:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
               T_lpdg:GRIB_level_flag = 116 ;
               T_lpdg:units = "degK" ;
               T_lpdg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               T_lpdg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  u(record,level,y,x) ;
               u:long_name = "u-component of wind at Isobaric" ;
               u:GRIB_parameter_number = 33 ;
               u:GRIB_level_flag = 100 ;
               u:units = "m/s" ;
               u:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               u:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  u_lpdg(record,lpdg,y,x) ;
               u_lpdg:long_name = "u-component of wind at layer between 2 
levels at specified pressure differences from ground to levels" ;
               u_lpdg:GRIB_parameter_number = 33 ;
               u_lpdg:GRIB_level_flag = 116 ;
               u_lpdg:units = "m/s" ;
               u_lpdg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               u_lpdg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  u_maxwind(record,y,x) ;
               u_maxwind:long_name = "u-component of wind at Maximum Wind" ;
               u_maxwind:GRIB_parameter_number = 33 ;
               u_maxwind:GRIB_level_flag = 6 ;
               u_maxwind:units = "m/s" ;
               u_maxwind:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               u_maxwind:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  u_fhg(record,fhg,y,x) ;
               u_fhg:long_name = "u-component of wind at Fixed Height Above 
Ground" ;
               u_fhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 33 ;
               u_fhg:GRIB_level_flag = 105 ;
               u_fhg:units = "m/s" ;
               u_fhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               u_fhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  u_trop(record,y,x) ;
               u_trop:long_name = "u-component of wind at Tropopause" ;
               u_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 33 ;
               u_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
               u_trop:units = "m/s" ;
               u_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               u_trop:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  RH(record,level,y,x) ;
               RH:long_name = "Relative humidity at Isobaric" ;
               RH:GRIB_parameter_number = 52 ;
               RH:GRIB_level_flag = 100 ;
               RH:units = "percent" ;
               RH:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               RH:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  RH_frzlvl(record,y,x) ;
               RH_frzlvl:long_name = "Relative humidity at 0 Isotherm" ;
               RH_frzlvl:GRIB_parameter_number = 52 ;
               RH_frzlvl:GRIB_level_flag = 4 ;
               RH_frzlvl:units = "percent" ;
               RH_frzlvl:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               RH_frzlvl:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  RH_lpdg(record,lpdg,y,x) ;
               RH_lpdg:long_name = "Relative humidity at layer between 2 levels 
at specified pressure differences from ground to levels" ;
               RH_lpdg:GRIB_parameter_number = 52 ;
               RH_lpdg:GRIB_level_flag = 116 ;
               RH_lpdg:units = "percent" ;
               RH_lpdg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               RH_lpdg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  RH_fhg(record,fhg,y,x) ;
               RH_fhg:long_name = "Relative humidity at Fixed Height Above 
Ground" ;
               RH_fhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 52 ;
               RH_fhg:GRIB_level_flag = 105 ;
               RH_fhg:units = "percent" ;
               RH_fhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               RH_fhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  helc_lfhg(record,lfhg,y,x) ;
               helc_lfhg:long_name = "Storm relative helicity at Layer Between 
Two Fixed Heights Above Ground" ;
               helc_lfhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 190 ;
               helc_lfhg:GRIB_level_flag = 106 ;
               helc_lfhg:units = "m2/s2" ;
               helc_lfhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               helc_lfhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  Pm_msl(record,y,x) ;
               Pm_msl:long_name = "Mean sea level pressure (MAPS system 
reduction) at Mean Sea" ;
               Pm_msl:GRIB_parameter_number = 129 ;
               Pm_msl:GRIB_level_flag = 102 ;
               Pm_msl:units = "Pa" ;
               Pm_msl:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               Pm_msl:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  P_sfc(record,y,x) ;
               P_sfc:long_name = "Pressure at Surface" ;
               P_sfc:GRIB_parameter_number = 1 ;
               P_sfc:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               P_sfc:units = "Pa" ;
               P_sfc:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               P_sfc:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  P_maxwind(record,y,x) ;
               P_maxwind:long_name = "Pressure at Maximum Wind" ;
               P_maxwind:GRIB_parameter_number = 1 ;
               P_maxwind:GRIB_level_flag = 6 ;
               P_maxwind:units = "Pa" ;
               P_maxwind:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               P_maxwind:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  P_trop(record,y,x) ;
               P_trop:long_name = "Pressure at Tropopause" ;
               P_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 1 ;
               P_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
               P_trop:units = "Pa" ;
               P_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               P_trop:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  P_frzlvl(record,y,x) ;
               P_frzlvl:long_name = "Pressure at 0 Isotherm" ;
               P_frzlvl:GRIB_parameter_number = 1 ;
               P_frzlvl:GRIB_level_flag = 4 ;
               P_frzlvl:units = "Pa" ;
               P_frzlvl:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               P_frzlvl:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  cin_sfc(record,y,x) ;
               cin_sfc:long_name = "Convective inhibition at Surface" ;
               cin_sfc:GRIB_parameter_number = 156 ;
               cin_sfc:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               cin_sfc:units = "J/kg" ;
               cin_sfc:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               cin_sfc:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  LI4_lpdg(record,lpdg,y,x) ;
               LI4_lpdg:long_name = "Best (4 layer) lifted index at layer 
between 2 levels at specified pressure differences from ground to levels" ;
               LI4_lpdg:GRIB_parameter_number = 132 ;
               LI4_lpdg:GRIB_level_flag = 116 ;
               LI4_lpdg:units = "degK" ;
               LI4_lpdg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               LI4_lpdg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  ustm_lfhg(record,lfhg,y,x) ;
               ustm_lfhg:long_name = "u-component of storm motion at Layer 
Between Two Fixed Heights Above Ground" ;
               ustm_lfhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 196 ;
               ustm_lfhg:GRIB_level_flag = 106 ;
               ustm_lfhg:units = "m/s" ;
               ustm_lfhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               ustm_lfhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  gust_sfc(record,y,x) ;
               gust_sfc:long_name = "Surface wind gust at Surface" ;
               gust_sfc:GRIB_parameter_number = 180 ;
               gust_sfc:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               gust_sfc:units = "m/s" ;
               gust_sfc:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               gust_sfc:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  LI(record,liso,y,x) ;
               LI:long_name = "Surface lifted index at Layer Between Two 
Isobaric" ;
               LI:GRIB_parameter_number = 131 ;
               LI:GRIB_level_flag = 101 ;
               LI:units = "degK" ;
               LI:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               LI:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  snow(record,y,x) ;
               snow:long_name = "Snow depth at Surface" ;
               snow:GRIB_parameter_number = 66 ;
               snow:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               snow:units = "m" ;
               snow:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               snow:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  vis_sfc(record,y,x) ;
               vis_sfc:long_name = "Visibility at Surface" ;
               vis_sfc:GRIB_parameter_number = 20 ;
               vis_sfc:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               vis_sfc:units = "m" ;
               vis_sfc:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               vis_sfc:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  pr_water_atm(record,y,x) ;
               pr_water_atm:long_name = "Precipitable water at Entire 
atmosphere considered as a single layer" ;
               pr_water_atm:GRIB_parameter_number = 54 ;
               pr_water_atm:GRIB_level_flag = 200 ;
               pr_water_atm:units = "kg/m2" ;
               pr_water_atm:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               pr_water_atm:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  cfrzrn(record,y,x) ;
               cfrzrn:long_name = "Categorical freezing rain  (yes=1; no=0) at 
Surface" ;
               cfrzrn:GRIB_parameter_number = 141 ;
               cfrzrn:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               cfrzrn:units = "bit" ;
               cfrzrn:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               cfrzrn:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  csnow(record,y,x) ;
               csnow:long_name = "Categorical snow  (yes=1; no=0) at Surface" ;
               csnow:GRIB_parameter_number = 143 ;
               csnow:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               csnow:units = "bit" ;
               csnow:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               csnow:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  crain(record,y,x) ;
               crain:long_name = "Categorical rain  (yes=1; no=0) at Surface" ;
               crain:GRIB_parameter_number = 140 ;
               crain:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               crain:units = "bit" ;
               crain:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               crain:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  cicepl(record,y,x) ;
               cicepl:long_name = "Categorical ice pellets  (yes=1; no=0) at 
Surface" ;
               cicepl:GRIB_parameter_number = 142 ;
               cicepl:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               cicepl:units = "bit" ;
               cicepl:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               cicepl:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  cape_sfc(record,y,x) ;
               cape_sfc:long_name = "Convective available potential energy at 
Surface" ;
               cape_sfc:GRIB_parameter_number = 157 ;
               cape_sfc:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               cape_sfc:units = "J/kg" ;
               cape_sfc:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               cape_sfc:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  precip_rt(record,y,x) ;
               precip_rt:long_name = "Precipitation rate at Surface" ;
               precip_rt:GRIB_parameter_number = 59 ;
               precip_rt:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               precip_rt:units = "kg/(m2 s)" ;
               precip_rt:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               precip_rt:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  vstm_lfhg(record,lfhg,y,x) ;
               vstm_lfhg:long_name = "v-component of storm motion at Layer 
Between Two Fixed Heights Above Ground" ;
               vstm_lfhg:GRIB_parameter_number = 197 ;
               vstm_lfhg:GRIB_level_flag = 106 ;
               vstm_lfhg:units = "m/s" ;
               vstm_lfhg:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               vstm_lfhg:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  precip_cn(record,y,x) ;
               precip_cn:long_name = "Convective precipitation at Surface" ;
               precip_cn:GRIB_parameter_number = 63 ;
               precip_cn:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               precip_cn:units = "kg/m2" ;
               precip_cn:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               precip_cn:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  precip_ls(record,y,x) ;
               precip_ls:long_name = "Large scale precipitation at Surface" ;
               precip_ls:GRIB_parameter_number = 62 ;
               precip_ls:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               precip_ls:units = "kg/m2" ;
               precip_ls:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               precip_ls:navigation = "nav" ;

        float  snow_wat(record,y,x) ;
               snow_wat:long_name = "Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth 
at Surface" ;
               snow_wat:GRIB_parameter_number = 65 ;
               snow_wat:GRIB_level_flag = 1 ;
               snow_wat:units = "kg/m2" ;
               snow_wat:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
               snow_wat:navigation = "nav" ;

// global attributes
               :history = "2012-05-09 10:15:07 - created by gribtocdl" ; 
               :title = "Enter model definition here" ;
               :Conventions = "NUWG" ;
               :GRIB_reference = "Office Note 388 GRIB" ;
               :GRIB_URL = "http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/"; ;
               :version = 0.0 ;


 level = 1000.0, 950.0, 900.0, 850.0, 800.0, 750.0, 700.0, 650.0, 600.0, 550.0, 
      500.0, 450.0, 400.0, 350.0, 300.0, 250.0, 200.0, 150.0, 100.0 ;
 lpdg_bot = 60.0, 30.0, 150.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 90.0 ;
 lpdg_top = 90.0, 60.0, 180.0, 30.0, 150.0, 180.0, 120.0 ;
 lfhg_bot = 0.0, 0.0 ;
 lfhg_top = 30.0, 60.0 ;
 liso_bot = 100.0 ;
 liso_top = 50.0 ;
 fhg = 2.0, 10.0 ;
 model_id = 105 ;
 valtime_offset = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 ;

 // Navigation
 nav_model = "GRIB1" ;
 grid_type_code = 3 ;
 grid_type = "Lambert conformal projection" ;
 grid_name = " " ;
 grid_center = 7 ;
 grid_number = 236 ;
 x_dim = "x" ;
 y_dim = "y" ;
 Nx = 151 ;
 Ny = 113 ;
 La1 = 16.281000 ;
 Lo1 = 233.862000 ;
 Lov = -95.000000 ;
 Dx = 40635.000000 ;
 Dy = 40635.000000 ;
 Latin1 = 25.000000 ;
 Latin2 = 25.000000 ;
 SpLat = 0.000000 ;
 SpLon = 0.000000 ;
 // Pole in proj. plane = North ;
 ProjFlag = 0 ;
 ResCompFlag = 8 ;
