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[netCDFJava #FHN-347066]: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException reading grib2

Hi Steve,

Using the latest version of wgrib2, I get the following error. 
./wgrib2 -grid /local/robb/data/grib/wrf2/testWrf.grb2 | m

*** FATAL ERROR: rd_grib2_msg, missing end section ('7777') ***

Can you confirm the testWrf.grb2 is intact?

Investigating the file with Octal Dump(od), 

The first record starts with GRIB and ends with 7777 and
the last part of the file seems ok too.

664060060 236 034   U   d 240   l   +   P   d 234   f 213 021 252   5   H
664060100   7   7   7   7

The problem is that our grib library converts the Grid template number to -1 
which is invalid. This code has been used to read many different grib files so 
I don't suspect that's the problem. What's your take on this?


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FHN-347066
Department: Support netCDF Java
Priority: High
Status: Open