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Re: [netcdf-java] Grib File Dump not correct?/Grib Code to read Grib Parameter Names & Values


I've been answering many Grib questions lately, it seems that most programmers can use the CDM layer above the grib layer and remove themselves from the details of the Grib file, ie such as offsets, etc.
The CDM layer should have all the information that you need.

On Tue, 6 Oct 2009, Chad Saxon wrote:

i have been looking at the doc and been trying out some code. By the way thanks
for the updates and quick replies. 

The crux of what i want to do is really read in and store:

- the unit parameter of the data (i.e. temperature)
- the data coupled with the lat/lon in each record
- the offset of lat/lon(resolution) so i can loop through the data and store
appropriate parameter values.

Basically you would open the file as GridDataset, this will perform all the low level Grib actions for you.

Here's a tutorial to help get you get started: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/tutorial/

 I would look at GridDatatype, NetcdfFile, and NetcdfDatasets

There are also javaDocs at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/v2.2.20/javadoc/index.html

Sample code: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/archives/netcdf-java/2009/msg00233.html

The above messages have urls to javaDocs about GridDatasets, if you do some searching I believe you will be able to get all the information that you need. On the netcdf-java home page:

There is a reference to a program ToolsUI GUI that will permit you to look at the files. I would launch it by webstart so you can get the feel for it. There isn't any documentation but it intutitive. Hope this gets you out the low levels of Grib.


right now i have this:

*testfile = whateverfile.grb
    List<GridRecord> gribRecords;

ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile gribfile = new
ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile(testfile, "rw");
   index = new GribReadIndex();
   gridindex = new GridIndex();
   gridindex = index.open(testfile);

   gribRecords = gridindex.getGridRecords();

   i wanted to declare gribRecords to the class GribGridRecord since it seems i
have access to the offset parameters i would need to do my seek that you 
a while back for looking at all the data but the getGridRecords only returns of
type GridRecord which, according to the doc, doesnt have any functionality to 
at the offsets, etc.

   Once i get the list of records i just want to be able to do a seek on each 
loop through its data and start on the next record. The outdated Index class
seemed to have that capability before. Maybe i am just overlooking something.
thanks for your help...


On Sep 14, 2009, at 10:07 AM, Robb Kambic wrote:


      Thanks for pointing out that the Java Docs need to be updated on the
      Decoders page, I'll do it sometime this afternoon.


      On Mon, 14 Sep 2009, Chad Saxon wrote:


            thanks for the input and feedback. i went ahead and got
            the grib-8.0 library

            and have to work through some of the depreciated stuff in
            my code now but i

            was wondering the the javadoc reflects the grib 8.0
            changes? Some of the

            functionality like, for
            example, Grib1GridDefinitionSection.getGdsVars();

            doesnt appear in the API javadoc that i am looking at.



            On Sep 8, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Robb Kambic wrote:

                 On Mon, 7 Sep 2009, Chad Saxon wrote:

                       I am writing some low level code(because i need

                       to read grib files and all the values that i
            print out

                       on the console do not match the values when i

                       them out to a file. The grib file that i am

                       against is including in this e-mail for those

                       want to take a look.

                       Also i seem to be having problems getting

                       String literals for certain codes.. like the

                       name for code 11 is Temperature and the Unit
            type is K

                       in this case but it seems that the way to get

                       are not very intuitive to get using Index and

                       GribRecords variable in the code below. Maybe

                       could shed some light on this??

                       In advance, i want to thank all those that can

                       the time to look through this.



                 The Grib library usually reads the records of the
            grib file in

                 sequence of the sections, there are 5 sections to
            Grib1. See:


                 To read a particular section, the filePointer must be
            moved to the

                 start of the section to have a proper read. There is
            an index file

                 that has some of the offsets to the sections, such as
            the GDS

                 section. Here's the index of your sample file:


                 10 0 -1 11 96 1 0.0 255 0.0 2009-09-07T06:00:00Z 24
            284494432 36

                 68 1 false 7 0 2

                 10 0 -1 11 96 1 0.0 255 0.0 2009-09-07T06:00:00Z 48
            284494432 390

                 422 1 false 7 0 2

                 10 0 -1 11 96 1 0.0 255 0.0 2009-09-07T06:00:00Z 72
            284494432 744

                 776 1 false 7 0 2


                 The offsets 36, 390, and 744 are the GDS offsets for
            the 3 records

                 in the file. If you would modify you code to do the
            seeks and then

                 read the GDS, then the values will be correct.

                 gribfile.seek( 36 );

                 Grib1GridDefinitionSection gds =


                 Here are some files that will help you understand the
            how the

                 index works.

                 IndexFormat.txt  locate in the root directory of the

                 ucar/grib/grib1 directory:






                 also look at the following files on how to extract
            particular PDS

                 and GDS values;



                 I must warn you that the Grib library has been
            refactored, so the

                 Index api will be slightly different then the 6.0
            release. I would

                 suggest that you get the latest 8.0 release on the
            decoders page

                 located at:



                       here is my code below with output:

                       public class GribPlugin {

                       java.io.PrintStream ps;

                       String[] fileDump;

                       Grib1GridDefinitionSection gridSection;

                       String testfile = "gfs20090907162501123.grb";

                       public GribPlugin() throws IOException,

                       NoValidGribException, NotSupportedException{

                       ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile gribfile = new


                       type = file.getEdition(gribfile);

                       System.out.println("File read in: " + testfile
            + ",

                       Type of Grib File is " + type);

                       fileDump = new String[3];

                       fileDump[0] = "gfs20090907162501123.grb";

                       fileDump[1] = "gribdump.out";

                       fileDump[2] = "true";


                       gridSection = new


                       System.out.println("defining a new


                       catch(IOException e){

                       throw new IOException("Grid Section " + e);


                       System.out.println("grid definition section");

                       System.out.println("dx: " + gridSection.getDx()
            + ",

                       dy: " + gridSection.getDy() + ", La1: " +

                       gridSection.getLa1() + ", La2: " +

                       gridSection.getLa2() + ", Lo1: " +

                       gridSection.getLo1() + ", Lo2: " +

                       gridSection.getLo2() + ", Nx: " +

                       + ", Ny: " + gridSection.getNy() + ", Grid

                       Name: " + gridSection.getName());

                       System.out.println("File Dump Information");


                       System.out.println("Dump GridFile Info Out To

                       ps = new java.io.PrintStream("grib.out");

                       index = gribIndex.writeFileIndex(gribfile, ps,

                       //this is printing out the grib records

                       System.out.println("Grib Records");

                       gribRecords = index.getGribRecords();

                       System.out.println("Number of Grib Records: " +


                       for(int i = 0; i < gribRecords.size(); i++){

            + " " +

                       gribRecords.get(i).center + " " +

                       gribRecords.get(i).discipline + " " +

                              gribRecords.get(i).paramNumber + " " +

                       do you convert this to the equivalent param

                       gribRecords.get(i).productType + " " +

                       gribRecords.get(i).decimalScale + " " +

                              gribRecords.get(i).gdsKey + " " +

                       gribRecords.get(i).typeGenProcess + " " +

                       gribRecords.get(i).forecastTime + " " +

                              gribRecords.get(i).refTime + " " +

                       gribRecords.get(i).subCenter + " " +


                       } //end for

                       } //end public class constructor

                       } // end class GribPlugin

                       Console Output:

                       File read in: gfs20090907162501123.grb, Type of

                       File is 1

                       GribPDSLevel: Table 3 level 96 is not
            implemented yet

                       PDS: Time Unit 9 is not yet supported

                       Using default


                       defining a new gridsection

                       Grid 28 not configured yet

                       grid definition section

                       dx: 2.632, dy: 0.0, La1: -8355.851, La2:
            591.622, Lo1:

                       65.536, Lo2: 0.256, Nx: 540, Ny: 24583, Grid

                       Name: Latitude/Longitude Grid

                       File Dump Information

                       gds exception was caught

                       Dump GridFile Info Out To File

                       Grib Records

                       Number of Grib Records: 3

                       -1 7 0 11 10 1 2350466037 96 24
            2009-09-07T06:00:00Z 0


                       -1 7 0 11 10 1 2350466037 96 48
            2009-09-07T06:00:00Z 0


                       -1 7 0 11 10 1 2350466037 96 72
            2009-09-07T06:00:00Z 0



                       Now you will notice that my grid definition

                       does not match any of the parameters from the

                       dump below(except for the grid section name).

                       question is, is why is this and/or what am i

                       wrong here??? Those numbers that i get from the

                       Console output just do not make any sense to me



                       GridDump Output:

                       Header : GRIB1

                                        Discipline : 0 Meteorological


                                      GRIB Edition : 1

                                       GRIB length : 354

                                Originating Center : 7 US National

                       Service (NCEP)

                            Originating Sub-Center : 0 WMO Secretariat

                                Product Definition : 10 product valid

                       reference time P1

                                Parameter Category : -1 Meteorological


                                    Parameter Name : 11 TMP

                                   Parameter Units : K

                                    Reference Time :

                                        Time Units : hour

                              Time Range Indicator : product valid at
            RT + P1

                                       Time 1 (P1) : 24

                                       Time 2 (P2) : 0

                           Generating Process Type : 96 Global

                       System Model (formerly known as the Aviation)

                                        Level Type : 1 surface

                                     Level Value 1 : 0.0

                                     Level Value 2 : 0.0

                                        GDS Exists : true

                                        BMS Exists : false

                             Number of data points : 3447

                                         Grid Name :
            Latitude/Longitude Grid

                                         Grid Shape: 0 spherical

                             Spherical earth radius: 6367.47

                                                Nx : 16

                                                Ny : 15

                                               La1 : 0.0

                                               Lo1 : -100.0

                       Resolution & Component flags : 128

                                             Winds : True

                                               La2 : 29.0

                                               Lo2 : -70.0



                 Robb Kambic           Unidata Program Center

                 Software Engineer III   Univ. Corp for Atmospheric

                 address@hidden   WWW:



      Robb Kambic           Unidata Program Center
      Software Engineer III   Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
      address@hidden   WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/