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[netCDFDecoders #ZQR-340537]: BUFR Decoder

> Thank you for your response.  I have downloaded the new package using the 
> link you provided.  I have a attempted to decode a BUFR file, and the values 
> don't seem to have the scale or reference values applied to them.  Everything 
> is coming out at an integer.  For example, FXY 0-6-2 for longitude comes out 
> with a value of 8408 (instead of -95.92).
> Also, I don’t seem to have any way to reference the original FXY.  Before we 
> used the FXY value for mapping of values between the decoded data and our own 
> domain objects.  Was the removal of the FXY reference intentional?  Below is 
> how I am using the decoder, maybe I am using it wrong?

Hi Chris:

The NetcdfFile interface gives access to the raw values. If you open with 


by default it will apply scale/offset.

The FXY value is in the variable attribute BUFR:TableB_descriptor, eg:

  int Orbit number;
     :missing_value = 16777215; // int
     :BUFR:TableB_descriptor = "0-5-40";
     :BUFR:bitWidth = 24; // int

The values with tables should have been converted to Strings via the enum data 
type. Im not sure why they werent, ill have to look at that.

The code is still a bit green, please let me know what other problems you see.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZQR-340537
Department: Support netCDF Java
Priority: Normal
Status: Open