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Re: BUFR file


sorry for the delay in response. it's a table problem, i need the tables for this dataset. i looked on the web but didn't find it. do you have any sources for Australian bufr tables? i'll keep looking.

table i'm look for has center = 2 sub center = 0 version = 21


On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Kevin Baggett wrote:

Hi Robb,
I was running the attached file through your BUFR decoder (file from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology). The lat/lon info from the decoder is correct, but the data is not (0-12-63/Brightness Temperature for example) I tried to go through your code, but kind-of got lost in the "compressed" function.
So, if you could look at this, that would be great.
Also, since this is a Version 4 BUFR file, your decoder should work with that, correct?

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/