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Re: Grib2JpegDecoder

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007, Naples Steven A Ctr AFWA/WDAC wrote:


I was wanting to know if the Grib2JpegDecoder was still current, and if
so, is the source available?


Sorry for the delayed response.

it's current and attacthed the Grib2JpegDecoder source. the jpeg2000 dist source can be found at: http://jpeg2000.epfl.ch/ At some point the jpeg decoder will be include in the standard Java sdk distribution, I'll probably move to using it.


I am using the netCDF-Java libraries, and the jpeg2000.jar uses a class
called Grib2JpegDecoder for which I don't find source for.  I need to
use both the encode and decode functions of jj2000, therefore wanted to
build in that class, as well as use it for a jumping off point for
making a Grib2JpegEncoder class also.

Best regards,

Steve Naples

Sr. Software Engineer

Weather Data Analysis Capabilities (WDAC)


address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
 * CVS identifier:
 * $Id: Grib2JpegDecoder.java,v 1.0 2004/10/29 14:09:35 rkambic Exp $
 * Class:                   Grib2JpegDecoder
 * Description:             The decoder object
 * */
package jj2000.j2k.decoder;

import jj2000.j2k.quantization.dequantizer.*;
import jj2000.j2k.image.invcomptransf.*;
import jj2000.j2k.fileformat.reader.*;
import jj2000.j2k.codestream.reader.*;
import jj2000.j2k.wavelet.synthesis.*;
import jj2000.j2k.entropy.decoder.*;
import jj2000.j2k.image.output.*;
import jj2000.j2k.codestream.*;
import jj2000.j2k.image.*;
import jj2000.j2k.util.*;
import jj2000.j2k.roi.*;
import jj2000.j2k.io.*;

import colorspace.*;
import icc.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;

 * This class is the main class of JJ2000's decoder. It instantiates all
 * objects and performs the decoding operations. It then writes the image to
 * an array for use in Grib2 getData routines
 * <p>First the decoder should be initialized with a ParameterList object
 * given through the constructor. The when the run() method is invoked and the
 * decoder executes. The exit code of the class can be obtained with the
 * getExitCode() method, after the constructor and after the run method. A
 * non-zero value indicates that an error has ocurred.</p>
 * <p>The decoding chain corresponds to the following sequence of modules:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>BitstreamReaderAgent</li>
 * <li>EntropyDecoder</li>
 * <li>ROIDeScaler</li>
 * <li>Dequantizer</li>
 * <li>InverseWT</li>
 * <li>ImgDataConverter</li>
 * <li>EnumratedColorSpaceMapper, SyccColorSpaceMapper or ICCProfiler</li>
 * <li>ComponentDemixer (if needed)</li>
 * <li>ImgDataAdapter (if ComponentDemixer is needed)</li>
 * <li>ImgWriter</li>
 * <li>BlkImgDataSrcImageProducer</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>The 2 last modules cannot be used at the same time and corresponds
 * respectively to the writing of decoded image into a file or the graphical
 * display of this same image.</p>
 * <p>The behaviour of each module may be modified according to the current
 * tile-component. All the specifications are kept in modules extending
 * ModuleSpec and accessible through an instance of DecoderSpecs class.</p>
 * @see BitstreamReaderAgent
 * @see EntropyDecoder
 * @see ROIDeScaler
 * @see Dequantizer
 * @see InverseWT
 * @see ImgDataConverter
 * @see InvCompTransf
 * @see ImgWriter
 * @see BlkImgDataSrcImageProducer
 * @see ModuleSpec
 * @see DecoderSpecs
 * */
public class Grib2JpegDecoder {

     * Return the packBytes ie number bytes / number 1,2 or 4
     * */
    private int packBytes;
    /** the decoded image data */
    public int[] data;

    /** Parses the inputstream to analyze the box structure of the JP2
     * file. */
    private ColorSpace csMap = null;

    /** False if the Grib2JpegDecoder instance is self-contained process, false 
     * thrown by another process (i.e by a GUI)*/
    private boolean isChildProcess = false;

    /** The exit code of the run method */
    private int exitCode;

    /** The parameter list (arguments) */
    private ParameterList pl;

    /** The default parameter list (with modules arguments) */
    private ParameterList defpl;

    /** Information contained in the codestream's headers */
    private HeaderInfo hi;

    /** The valid list of options prefixes */
    private final static char vprfxs[] = {BitstreamReaderAgent.OPT_PREFIX,

    /** The parameter information for this class */
    private final static String[][] pinfo = {
        { "u", "[on|off]",
          "Prints usage information. "+
          "If specified all other arguments (except 'v') are ignored","off"},
        { "v", "[on|off]",
          "Prints version and copyright information","off"},
        { "verbose", "[on|off]",
          "Prints information about the decoded codestream","on"},
        { "pfile", "<filename>",
          "Loads the arguments from the specified file. Arguments that are "+
          "specified on the command line override the ones from the file.\n"+
          "The arguments file is a simple text file with one argument per "+
          "line of the following form:\n" +
          "  <argument name>=<argument value>\n"+
          "If the argument is of boolean type (i.e. its presence turns a "+
          "feature on), then the 'on' value turns it on, while the 'off' "+
          "value turns it off. The argument name does not include the '-' "+
          "or '+' character. Long lines can be broken into several lines "+
          "by terminating them with '\\'. Lines starting with '#' are "+
          "considered as comments. This option is not recursive: any 'pfile' "+
          "argument appearing in the file is ignored.",null},
        { "res", "<resolution level index>",
          "The resolution level at which to reconstruct the image "+
          " (0 means the lowest available resolution whereas the maximum "+
          "resolution level corresponds to the original image resolution). "+
          "If the given index"+
          " is greater than the number of available resolution levels of the "+
          "compressed image, the image is reconstructed at its highest "+
          "resolution (among all tile-components). Note that this option"+
          " affects only the inverse wavelet transform and not the number "+
          " of bytes read by the codestream parser: this number of bytes "+
          "depends only on options '-nbytes' or '-rate'.", null},
        { "i", "<filename or url>",
          "The file containing the JPEG 2000 compressed data. This can be "+
          "either a JPEG 2000 codestream or a JP2 file containing a "+
          "JPEG 2000 "+
          "codestream. In the latter case the first codestream in the file "+
          "will be decoded. If an URL is specified (e.g., http://...) "+
          "the data will be downloaded and cached in memory before decoding. "+
          "This is intended for easy use in applets, but it is not a very "+
          "efficient way of decoding network served data.", null},
        { "o", "<filename>",
          "This is the name of the file to which the decompressed image "+
          "is written. If no output filename is given, the image is "+
          "displayed on the screen. "+
          "Output file format is PGX by default. If the extension"+
          " is '.pgm' then a PGM file is written as output, however this is "+
          "only permitted if the component bitdepth does not exceed 8. If "+
          "the extension is '.ppm' then a PPM file is written, however this "+
          "is only permitted if there are 3 components and none of them has "+
          "a bitdepth of more than 8. If there is more than 1 component, "+
          "suffices '-1', '-2', '-3', ... are added to the file name, just "+
          "before the extension, except for PPM files where all three "+
          "components are written to the same file.",null},
        { "rate","<decoding rate in bpp>",
          "Specifies the decoding rate in bits per pixel (bpp) where the "+
          "number of pixels is related to the image's original size (Note:"+
          " this number is not affected by the '-res' option). If it is equal"+
          "to -1, the whole codestream is decoded. "+
          "The codestream is either parsed (default) or truncated depending "+
          "the command line option '-parsing'. To specify the decoding "+
          "rate in bytes, use '-nbytes' options instead.","-1"},
        { "nbytes","<decoding rate in bytes>",
          "Specifies the decoding rate in bytes. "+
          "The codestream is either parsed (default) or truncated depending "+
          "the command line option '-parsing'. To specify the decoding "+
          "rate in bits per pixel, use '-rate' options instead.","-1"},
        { "parsing", null,
          "Enable or not the parsing mode when decoding rate is specified "+
          "('-nbytes' or '-rate' options). If it is false, the codestream "+
          "is decoded as if it were truncated to the given rate. If it is "+
          "true, the decoder creates, truncates and decodes a virtual layer"+
          " progressive codestream with the same truncation points in each "+
        { "ncb_quit","<max number of code blocks>",
          "Use the ncb and lbody quit conditions. If state information is "+
          "found for more code blocks than is indicated with this option, "+
          "the decoder "+
          "will decode using only information found before that point. "+
          "Using this otion implies that the 'rate' or 'nbyte' parameter "+
          "is used to indicate the lbody parameter which is the number of "+
          "packet body bytes the decoder will decode.","-1"},
        { "l_quit","<max number of layers>",
          "Specifies the maximum number of layers to decode for any code-"+
        { "m_quit","<max number of bit planes>",
          "Specifies the maximum number of bit planes to decode for any code"+
        { "poc_quit",null,
          "Specifies the whether the decoder should only decode code-blocks "+
          "included in the first progression order.","off"},
        { "one_tp",null,
          "Specifies whether the decoder should only decode the first "+
          "tile part of each tile.","off"},
        { "comp_transf",null,
          "Specifies whether the component transform indicated in the "+
          "codestream should be used.","on"},
        { "debug", null,
          "Print debugging messages when an error is encountered.","off"},
        { "cdstr_info", null,
          "Display information about the codestream. This information is: "+
          "\n- Marker segments value in main and tile-part headers,"+
          "\n- Tile-part length and position within the code-stream.", "off"},
        { "nocolorspace",null,
          "Ignore any colorspace information in the image.","off"},
        { "colorspace_debug", null,
          "Print debugging messages when an error is encountered in the"+
          " colorspace module.","off"}

     * Instantiates a decoder object, width the 'argv' command
     * line arguments. It also initializes the default parameters. If the
     * argument list is empty an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. If an
     * error occurs while parsing the arguments error messages are written to
     * stderr and the run exit code is set to non-zero, see getExitCode()
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException If 'argv' is empty
     * @see Grib2JpegDecoder#getExitCode

     * */
    public Grib2JpegDecoder(String argv[]) {

        // Initialize default parameters
        //System.err.println("calling Grib2JpegDecoder with argv argument");
        defpl = new ParameterList();
        String[][] param = Grib2JpegDecoder.getAllParameters();

        for (int i=param.length-1; i>=0; i--) {

        // Create parameter list using defaults
        pl = new ParameterList(defpl);

        if (argv.length == 0 ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No arguments!");

        // Parse arguments from argv
        try {
        catch (StringFormatException e) {
            System.err.println("An error occured while parsing the "+
    } // end Grib2JpegDecoder constructor

     * Returns the exit code of the class. This is only initialized after the
     * constructor and when the run method returns.
     * @return The exit code of the constructor and the run() method.
     * */
    public int getExitCode() {
        return exitCode;

     * Returns the parameters that are used in this class. It returns a 2D
     * String array. Each of the 1D arrays is for a different option, and they
     * have 3 elements. The first element is the option name, the second one
     * is the synopsis and the third one is a long description of what the
     * parameter is. The synopsis or description may be 'null', in which case
     * it is assumed that there is no synopsis or description of the option,
     * respectively.
     * @return the options name, their synopsis and their explanation.
     * */
    public static String[][] getParameterInfo() {
        return pinfo;

     * Runs the decoder. After completion the exit code is set, a non-zero
     * value indicates that an error ocurred.
     * @see #getExitCode
     * */
    public void decode( RandomAccessFile raf, int dataSize ) {
        boolean verbose;
        int res; // resolution level to reconstruct
        RandomAccessIO in;
        FileFormatReader ff;
        BitstreamReaderAgent breader;
        HeaderDecoder hd;
        EntropyDecoder entdec;
        ROIDeScaler roids;
        Dequantizer deq;
        InverseWT invWT;
        InvCompTransf ictransf;
        ImgWriter imwriter[] = null;
        ImgDataConverter converter;
        DecoderSpecs decSpec = null;
        BlkImgDataSrc palettized;
        BlkImgDataSrc channels;
        BlkImgDataSrc resampled;
        BlkImgDataSrc color;
        int i;
        int depth[];
        float rate;
        int nbytes;

        try {

            // **** Usage and version ****
            try {
                // Do we print version information?
                if(pl.getBooleanParameter("v")) {
                // Do we print usage information?
                if (pl.getParameter("u").equals("on")) {
                    return; // When printing usage => exit
                // Do we print info ?
                verbose = pl.getBooleanParameter("verbose");
            } catch (StringFormatException e) {
                error("An error occured while parsing the arguments:\n"+
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                error("An error occured while parsing the arguments:\n"+
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);

            // **** Check parameters ****
            try {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
            // create a byte buf from raf for ISRandomAccessIO
            //System.out.println("raf processing Grib2JpegDecoder");

            byte buf[] = new byte[ dataSize ];
            raf.read( buf );
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf);

            in = new ISRandomAccessIO(bais,dataSize,1,dataSize );

            // **** File Format ****
            // If the codestream is wrapped in the jp2 fileformat, Read the
            // file format wrapper
            ff = new FileFormatReader(in);
            if(ff.JP2FFUsed) {
                //System.out.println("ff.JP2FFUsed is used");
            // +----------------------------+
            // | Instantiate decoding chain |
            // +----------------------------+

            // **** Header decoder ****
            // Instantiate header decoder and read main header 
            hi = new HeaderInfo();
            try {
                hd = new HeaderDecoder(in,pl,hi);
            } catch (EOFException e) {
                error("Codestream too short or bad header, "+
                      "unable to decode.",2);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);

            int nCompCod = hd.getNumComps();
            int nTiles = hi.siz.getNumTiles();
            decSpec = hd.getDecoderSpecs();

            // Report information
            if(verbose) {
                String info = nCompCod+" component(s) in codestream, "+nTiles+
                    " tile(s)\n";
                info += "Image dimension: ";
                for(int c=0; c<nCompCod; c++) {
                    info += hi.siz.getCompImgWidth(c)+"x"+
                        hi.siz.getCompImgHeight(c)+" ";
                if(nTiles!=1) {
                    info += "\nNom. Tile dim. (in canvas): "+
                System.out.println("[INFO]: " + info);
            if (pl.getBooleanParameter("cdstr_info")) {
                System.out.println( "[INFO]: Main header:\n" + 

            // Get demixed bitdepths
            depth = new int[nCompCod];
            for(i=0; i<nCompCod;i++) { depth[i] = hd.getOriginalBitDepth(i); }

            // **** Bit stream reader ****
            try {
                breader = BitstreamReaderAgent.
            } catch (IOException e) {
                error("Error while reading bit stream header or parsing "+
                      "packets"+((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                                 (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),4);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                error("Cannot instantiate bit stream reader"+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),2);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);

            // **** Entropy decoder ****
            try {
                entdec = hd.createEntropyDecoder(breader,pl);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                error("Cannot instantiate entropy decoder"+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),2);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
            // **** ROI de-scaler ****
            try {
                roids = hd.createROIDeScaler(entdec,pl,decSpec);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                error("Cannot instantiate roi de-scaler."+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),2);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
            // **** Dequantizer ****
            try {
                deq = hd.createDequantizer(roids,depth,decSpec);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                error("Cannot instantiate dequantizer"+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),2);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);

            // **** Inverse wavelet transform ***
            try {
               // full page inverse wavelet transform
               invWT = InverseWT.createInstance(deq,decSpec);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                error("Cannot instantiate inverse wavelet transform"+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),2);
                if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                } else {
                    error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);

            res = breader.getImgRes();

            // **** Data converter **** (after inverse transform module)
            converter = new ImgDataConverter(invWT,0);

            // **** Inverse component transformation **** 
            ictransf = new InvCompTransf(converter,decSpec,depth,pl);

            // **** Color space mapping ****
            if(ff.JP2FFUsed && pl.getParameter("nocolorspace").equals("off")) {
                try {
                    csMap = new ColorSpace(in,hd,pl);
                    channels = hd.
                    resampled  = hd.createResampler (channels,csMap);
                    palettized = hd.
                        createPalettizedColorSpaceMapper (resampled,csMap);
                    color = hd.createColorSpaceMapper(palettized,csMap);
                    if(csMap.debugging()) {
                        System.out.println("[ERROR]: "+csMap);
                        System.out.println("[ERROR]: "+channels);
                        System.out.println("[ERROR]: "+resampled);
                        System.out.println("[ERROR]: "+palettized);
                        System.out.println("[ERROR]: "+color); 
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    error("Could not instantiate ICC profiler"+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (":\n"+e.getMessage()) : ""),1,e);
                } catch (ColorSpaceException e) {
                    error("error processing jp2 colorspace information"+
                          ((e.getMessage() != null) ?
                           (": "+e.getMessage()) : "    "),1,e);
                    return; }
            } else { // Skip colorspace mapping
                 color = ictransf; 
            // This is the last image in the decoding chain and should be
            // assigned by the last transformation:
            BlkImgDataSrc decodedImage = color;
            if(color==null) {
                decodedImage = ictransf;

            int nCompImg = decodedImage.getNumComps();

            // **** Report info ****
            int mrl = decSpec.dls.getMin();
            if(verbose) {
                if(mrl!=res) {
                   System.out.println("Reconstructing resolution "+res+" on "+
                                mrl+" ("+breader.getImgWidth(res)+"x"+
                if(pl.getFloatParameter("rate")!=-1) {
                        System.out.println("Target rate = "
                                +breader.getTargetRate()+ " bpp ("+
                                breader.getTargetNbytes()+" bytes)");

            // code to get data
            // **** Decode and write/display result ****
            imwriter = new ImgWriter[nCompImg];
                // Now write the image to the array (decodes as needed)
                boolean isSigned = false;
                for(i=0; i<imwriter.length; i++) {
                        try {
                            if(csMap!=null) {
                                isSigned = csMap.isOutputSigned(i);
                                imwriter[i] = new ImgWriterArray(decodedImage,i,
                                //System.out.println( "csMap!=null" );
                            } else {
                                isSigned = hd.isOriginalSigned(i);
                                imwriter[i] = new ImgWriterArray(decodedImage,i,
                                //System.out.println( "csMap==null" );
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                            } else {
                                error("Use '-debug' option for more "+
                    try {
                        imwriter[i].writeAll(); // write data to array
                        ImgWriterArray iwa = (ImgWriterArray) imwriter[i];
                        data = iwa.getGdata();
                        // unSigned data processing here
                        //System.out.println("[INFO]: isSigned = " + isSigned);
                        if( ! isSigned ) {
                                float unSignIt = (float) java.lang.Math.pow( 
                                (double)pl.getFloatParameter("rate") -1);       
                                for( int j = 0; j < data.length; j++ )
                                        data[ j ] += unSignIt;
                        packBytes = iwa.getPackBytes();
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
                        } else {
                            error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
                } // end for(i=0; i<imwriter.length; i++)

            // **** Print some resulting info ****
            if(verbose) {
                // Print actually read bitrate
                // if file format used add the read file format bytes
                float bitrate = breader.getActualRate();
                int numBytes = breader.getActualNbytes();
                    int imageSize =(int)((8.0f*numBytes)/bitrate);
                    numBytes +=ff.getFirstCodeStreamPos(); 
                    bitrate = (numBytes*8.0f)/imageSize;

                if(pl.getIntParameter("ncb_quit") == -1) {
                        System.out.println("Actual bit rate = "+bitrate+
                                " bpp (i.e. "+numBytes+" bytes)");
                } else {
                        "Number of packet body bytes read = "+numBytes);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        } catch (Error e) {
            if(e.getMessage()!=null) {
            } else {
                error("An error has occured during decoding.",2);

            if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
            } else {
                error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if(e.getMessage()!=null) {
                error("An uncaught runtime exception has occurred:\n"+
            } else {
                error("An uncaught runtime exception has occurred.",2);
            if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
            } else {
                error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            error("An uncaught exception has occurred.",2);
            if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
            } else {
                error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2);
    } // end decode

     * Prints the error message 'msg' to standard err, prepending "ERROR" to
     * it, and sets the exitCode to 'code'. An exit code different than 0
     * indicates that there where problems. 
     * @param msg The error message
     * @param code The exit code to set
     * */
    private void error(String msg, int code) {
        exitCode = code;

     * Prints the error message 'msg' to standard err, prepending
     * "ERROR" to it, and sets the exitCode to 'code'. An exit code
     * different than 0 indicates that there where problems. Either
     * the stacktrace or a "details" message is output depending on
     * the data of the "debug" parameter.
     * @param msg The error message
     * @param code The exit code to set
     * @param ex The exception associated with the call
     * */
    private void error(String msg, int code, Throwable ex) {
        exitCode = code;
        if(pl.getParameter("debug").equals("on")) {
        } else {
            error("Use '-debug' option for more details",2); 
     * Return the packBytes ie number bytes / number 1,2 or 4
     * */
    public int getPackBytes() {
        return packBytes;
     * Return the decoded image as byte array
     * */
    public int[] getGdata() {
        return data;
     * Return the information found in the COM marker segments encountered in
     * the decoded codestream. 
     * */
    public String[] getCOMInfo() {
        if(hi==null) { // The codestream has not been read yet
            return null;

        int nCOMMarkers = hi.getNumCOM();
        Enumeration com = hi.com.elements();
        String[] infoCOM = new String[nCOMMarkers];
        for(int i=0; i<nCOMMarkers; i++) {
            infoCOM[i] = com.nextElement().toString();
        return infoCOM;

     * Returns all the parameters used in the decoding chain. It calls
     * parameter from each module and store them in one array (one row per
     * parameter and 4 columns).
     * @return All decoding parameters
     * @see #getParameterInfo 
     * */
    public static String[][] getAllParameters() {
        Vector vec = new Vector();
        int i;

        String[][] str = BitstreamReaderAgent.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = EntropyDecoder.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = ROIDeScaler.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = Dequantizer.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = InvCompTransf.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = HeaderDecoder.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = ICCProfiler.getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = getParameterInfo();
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) vec.addElement(str[i]);

        str = new String[vec.size()][4];
        if(str!=null) for(i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--)
            str[i] = (String[])vec.elementAt(i);

        return str;

     * Prints the warning message 'msg' to standard err, prepending "WARNING"
     * to it.
     * @param msg The error message
     * */
    private void warning(String msg) {

     * Prints version and copyright information to the logging facility
     * */
    private void printVersionAndCopyright() {
           System.out.println("JJ2000's JPEG 2000 Grib2JpegDecoder\n");
           //System.out.println("Version: "+1.0.version+"\n");
           //System.out.println("Send bug reports to: "+JJ2KInfo.bugaddr+"\n");

     * Prints the usage information to stdout. The usage information is
     * written for all modules in the decoder.
     * */
    private void printUsage() {
        String opts[][];
        int i;

        System.out.println("Grib2JpegDecoder args...\n");
        System.out.println("The exit code of the decoder is non-zero "+
                   "if an error occurs.");
        System.out.println("The following arguments are recongnized:\n");
        // Print decoding options


     * Prints the parameters in 'pinfo' to the provided output, 'out', showing
     * the existing defaults. The message is printed to the logging facility
     * returned by FacilityManager.getMsgLogger(). The 'pinfo' argument is a
     * 2D String array. The first dimension contains String arrays, 1 for each
     * parameter. Each of these arrays has 3 elements, the first element is
     * the parameter name, the second element is the synopsis for the
     * parameter and the third one is a long description of the parameter. If
     * the synopsis or description is 'null' then no synopsis or description
     * is printed, respectively. If there is a default value for a parameter
     * it is also printed.
     * @param out Where to print.
     * @param pinfo The parameter information to write.
     * */
    private void printParamInfo(String pinfo[][]) {
        String defval;

        for (int i=0; i<pinfo.length; i++) {
            defval = defpl.getParameter(pinfo[i][0]);
            if (defval != null) { // There is a default value
                System.out.println("-" + pinfo[i][0] +
                         ((pinfo[i][1] != null) ? " "+pinfo[i][1]+" " : " ") +
                         "(default = "+defval+")");
            } else { // There is no default value
                System.out.println("-" + pinfo[i][0] +
                         ((pinfo[i][1] != null) ? " "+pinfo[i][1] : ""));
            // Is there an explanatory message?
            if (pinfo[i][2] != null) {

     * Exit the decoding process according to the isChildProcess variable
    public void exit() {
        if(isChildProcess) {
        } else {

     * Set isChildProcess variable.
     * @param b The boolean value
     * */
    public void setChildProcess(boolean b) {
        isChildProcess = b;
} // end Grib2JpegDecoder