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Re: Grib2JpegDecoder

On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, Stuart Smiley wrote:

I was wondering where the class jj2000/j2k/decoder/Grib2JpegDecoder comes from and how it comes to be in the jpeg2000.jar inside of the GRIBJava.tar.gz download.


the jj2000_5.1 library didn't have an API that was needed to decode data sections of Grib2 files in the jpeg format so I created the Grib2JpegDecoder class for the needed API. In the future, the new version of Java are going to have jpeg decoder classes built into it, so I plan on using them.


I downloaded what I thought to be the latest source for the
jpeg2000.jar, jj2000_5.1-src.zip, after following a link for jpeg2000 to http://www.jpeg.org/jpeg2000/. This zip does not contain a file Grib2JpegDecoder.java in the jj2000/j2k/decoder package.

Stu Smiley

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Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
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