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Re: Hi again Robb! GRIB question...

On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Nelson Brandon K A1C AFWA/SCSA wrote:

> Robb,
>             AFWA is transitioning to a new grib file format called WRF
> (worf).  It seems that the ucar degribber does not work with this new
> format.  Any chance you could take a look at the new grib files?  Let me
> know how to send you one of the files if you have the time.  Thanks again


if you can make the file available on the web, i can download it. have you
guys looked at using the Grib2 format?  the NCEP folks are going in that
direction because it's more flexible and robust and expect to be
converted over to Grib2 format by the end of 2006.  eventually the Grib1
format stuff will be on a lower priority of support also.


> Robb!
> V/r
> A1C Nelson, Brandon K
> Communications-Computer Systems Programmer
> HQ AFWA/SCSA (402) 294-1404

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/