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[Datastream #UFY-604748]: ldm question
- Subject: [Datastream #UFY-604748]: ldm question
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 12:41:49 -0600
Hi Randy,
> Yes, I meant level 3...
OK, thanks.
> Do you know if there are any "readers" out there, python modules, etc,
> that could read these files?
I believe our MetPy package has support for the NEXRAD Level III products.
> Alternatively could they be decoded and written in some other format ie.,
> netcdf?
Sure, but we do not provide a decoder that will do the conversion.
> I would assume folks w/n the atmospheric community use these files other than
> for just display?
Absolutely. I am sure that there are great number of freely-available packages
that understand the NEXRAD Level III formats. Again, our MetPy package may
be one of these, but I am not 100% sure.
If you would like to discuss Level III support in MetPy, please send an inquiry
Please do _not_ include our inquiry tracking system ticket ID in the new email
(because if it is included it will be associated by the system with the
exchanges we have been having in our support-datastream department).
> Thanks,
No worries.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UFY-604748
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must
let us know in each email you send to us.