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[Datastream #UFY-604748]: ldm question
- Subject: [Datastream #UFY-604748]: ldm question
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 12:23:19 -0600
Hi Randy,
> I have a noaaport antenna and i have been ingesting the L2 nexrad data
> for years (but never looked at it).
The radar data that are in NOAAPort are the NEXRAD Level III products. The
NEXRAD Level II products (each volume scan is sent out as a set of pieces
that need to be stitched back together into a full volume scan) are available
in the LDM/IDD NEXRAD2 feed. Do you have a REQUEST for the NEXRAD2 feed?
> I believe i am using mcidas decoders
> to create files in subdirectories by radar site and radar product.
While it is possible that you are using the McIDAS-X radar filing
procedure for the Level III products you are receiving in your NOAAPort
downlink, I seem to recall that you are writing them to disk using
a FILE action in one of your LDM pattern-action files. In either case,
the format of the data files is not changed from what is sent in the
> I would like away to understand these file formats so i can read them in
> with custom software to perform analysis. I dont know if they are in some
> proprietary mcidas format (which is no longer useful to me). Perhaps they
> could be decoded in a different way and instead creating netcdf files?
The NEXRAD Level III products sent in NOAAPort have never been converted
to a McIDAS-specific format even if you were using the McIDAS radar filing
procedure. Access in McIDAS-X was/is provided by ADDE servers that
I wrote for those data files a LONG time ago.
If you really are talking about NEXRAD Level II products, then they
would not have been altered by McIDAS-X decoders since McIDAS-X never
supported those files.
> suggestions are greatly appreciated.
The formats for both NEXRAD Level II and III products are described in
Interface Control Documents (ICDs) that are published by NOAA. I am
not sure what the current ICDs are for the products, but this should
be pretty easy to find using a Google search.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UFY-604748
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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