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[Datastream #LLB-351971]: Question about FNEXRAD datasets
- Subject: [Datastream #LLB-351971]: Question about FNEXRAD datasets
- Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 10:22:13 -0700
Hi Munsung,
> I am writing this email to ask you about the NEXRAD national composites
> available on the FNEXRAD IDD data feed.
> As I know, the National Weather Service will stop disseminating the radar
> products, N0R.
> (http://www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-41_88d_aad.htm)
Yes, we are aware that the Weather Service has been trying to drop the
N0R (and other) product for some time.
> What I want to know is that if they do, what will happen to your N0R national
> composite data distribution?
They will go away since there will be nothing to create them from.
> Will you stop to produce and distribute the products?
> If so, do you have any plan about when you will stop it?
The process that tries to create the composite from N0R products
produced at individual radars will continue to run until we are
sure that there are no more N0R products being disseminated. At
that time, we will stop its running to save compute resources.
> Now, I am getting the N0R national composite data through the
> LDM and using them for my research.
It is advisable for you to investigate using the natinoal DHR (digital
hybrid reflectivity) composite that is also being distributed in the FNEXRAD
> If you can answer my question, it will be helpful for me to make a
> future plan.
Have you tried using the DHR composite images? They have a lot more
information, and are created on the same schedule (one composite every
5 minutes) as the N0R composite.
> Thank you.
No worries. Best of luck!
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LLB-351971
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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