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- Subject: [Datastream #ABI-798982]: REAL-TIME GOES-16 AVAILABLE VIA ADDE
- Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2018 12:24:00 -0700
Hi Robert,
First, I drove your email into our inquiry tracking system since you
are asking questions that others will likely have, so my answers may
be of general use...
> I am back from the Antarctic campaign and have written scripts to get
> GOES-16 data from the Unidata ADDE server for web imagery and remapped
> imagery that can be viewed in GEMPAK.
Sounds good. I've been waiting on some GEMPAK development that Michael
is looking into before canvassing the community on the best approach of
providing GOES-16 imagery in a format that is usable by the GEMPAK
community (Michael is looking into adding support for the GOES-R fixed
grid projection).
> I have been so busy with other
> stuff I am little behind the curve on GOES-16. I have a couple of questions:
> 1) I glean from the message below that neither GEMPAK nor McIDAS-X can
> read the GOES-16 data in NOAAPort.
That is partly correct. I wrote an ADDE server for the GOES-16 SCMI imagery
that is distributed in NOAAPort as tiles. We use Ryan May's ldm-alchemp Python
code (available in the Unidata portion of GitHub) to stitch the tiles together
into full scenes, and then one can access the imagery in McIDAS-X, IDV and
from two of our motherlode class data servers via ADDE. (My server also works
individual tiles, but what's the point?)
The GOES-16 datasets we are serving by ADDE are:
RTGOESR - full GRB-ingested GOES-16 imagery from our downlink
NPGOESR - reconstituted scenes created from NOAAPort tiles
These datasets are available on:
They will be available on additional servers as we bring them up.
You are correct that GEMPAK can not use the SCMI or GRB images
directly as GEMPAK has no support for netCDF-4 files (and none
will be added by NCEP or Unidata).
> How about AWIPS2 and IDV/McIDAS-V? Is
> there a timeline on when that capability will be in McIDAS-X?
AWIPS can display the SCMI imagery from NOAAport with no problems.
After all, the entire purpose of NOAAPort is to get data to WFOs,
and the WFOs have migrated to AWIPS.
AWIPS can not, however, display/use the GOES-R imagery from the GRB.
I have to believe that the ability to use the GRB imagery will be
added to AWIPS at some point, but I don't have any idea when that
might be.
The time line for McIDAS-X is: Already in Unidata McIDAS-X v2017
and will be added to SSEC McIDAS-X as soon as I update their source
repository with my SCMI code.
> 2) Is Unidata ingesting the RTGOESR dataset from Amazon Web Services?
No, we are, in fact, _uploading_ the full set of GRB imagery and
products to AWS.
> Does Unidata have some sort of tutorial available on how it is
> downloading from AWS? I am afraid I am not all that familiar.
We are not downloading from AWS; we are uploading to AWS. We
get our GRB imagery from a GOES-R downlink that we installed
a year ago up at the NCAR Mesa Lab.
I hope that this information helps!
> ________________________________________
> From: Mug Sites Mailing LIst [address@hidden] on behalf of
> McIDAS Help Desk [address@hidden]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2018 12:44 PM
> To: Mug Sites Mailing LIst
> A happy new year reminder that GOES-16 is now the operational EAST
> satellite, and GOES-13 is scheduled to be turned off tomorrow, January 3
> between 1530UTC-1545UTC. Make sure your McIDAS scripts are pointing to
> the new datasets!
> On 12/14/2017 4:53 PM, McIDAS Help Desk wrote:
> If you're looking for a source for the new GOES-16 netCDF data, Unidata
> has an ADDE dataset open to the public. It's lead.unidata.ucar.edu and
> the groups are RTGOESR for the real-time data stream (also EAST once it
> is operational) and NPGOESR for the files in the NOAAPort data stream.
> Their servers are listed on their website and more GOES-16 servers are
> expected to be opened in the next few weeks
> (https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/mcidas/adde_servers.html). Many
> thanks to Unidata for making these servers available!
> SSEC's Satellite Data Services
> (http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter/goes-east-transition/<http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter/>)
> also has GOES-16 real-time and products available to its users. Please
> contact them for more information.
> In McIDAS-X, you can run the DATALOC ADD command to add the remote
> server, a DSINFO command to see the list of datasets available, and then
> the usual IMG commands to access the data. For faster image access, use
> the single-banded datasets. It is recommended to be using a McIDAS-X
> version from 2017.
> For example:
> Image file directory listing for:RTGOESR/CONUSC01
> Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s)
> sensor Lat Lon
> --- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------
> 576 G-16 IMG 14 DEC 17348 20:37:22 30 87 1
> If you have local netCDF-4 files in the mission-standard format (like
> those from NOAA CLASS or decoded from the GRB data stream using CSPP
> Geo), you can use the DSSERVE command to create a local dataset and
> access the files with that dataset.
> For example:
> Image file directory listing for:LOCAL/RTGOESR
> Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s)
> sensor Lat Lon
> --- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------
> 576 G-16 IMG 14 DEC 17348 20:52:22 30 87 1
> McIDAS-X can not currently read the netCDF files in the NOAAPort data
> stream, but we hope to be adding that capability in the next release,
> courtesy of Tom Yoksas at Unidata.
> In McIDAS-V and IDV, you can add the remote server in the Satellite
> Imagery Chooser by entering lead.unidata.ucar.edu in the Server field
> and RTGOESR in the Dataset field.
> If you have local netCDF files, you can add a local ABI dataset in the
> Local ADDE Data Manager on Linux or macOS, and load loops or individual
> images through the Satellite Imagery Chooser. You can also use the
> General File Chooser to load individual files as Grid Files (netCDF...).
> SSEC Data Ingestor (SDI):
> If you're interested in running a data ingestor at your site, please
> check out the SDI GRB Appliance -
> http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas/software/sdi/appliance/docs/SDIApplianceGRBOffering.pdf
> Please contact the McIDAS Help Desk if you have any questions.
> Thank you,
> McIDAS User Services
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ABI-798982
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must
let us know in each email you send to us.