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[Datastream #NUG-927490]: No Permission for downloading data
- Subject: [Datastream #NUG-927490]: No Permission for downloading data
- Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 12:31:07 -0600
Greetings Mahesh!
The 403 error is due to your file request exceeding the server limits. For
access to data over OpenDAP, ASCII requests are limited to 50 MB by default,
while binary requests are limited to 500 MB (the files you are requesting are
on the order of 3 GB). I would suggest subletting the data to request only the
domain and variables you need using the OpenDAP protocol, or contact the data
producer (NASA JPL) directly to see about transferring the raw file via some
other mechanism.
> Dear Sir,
> I am a GIS specilaist working in a regional organisation affiliated to
> UNEP. We want to use your G1SST 1m resolution data for our scientific
> reference.
> I tried to download data from the link below but it says http 403
> forbidden error or no permission to access.
> http://ourocean.jpl.nasa.gov:8080/thredds/catalog.html
> could you please guide me in accessing this data?
> Thanks and Regards
> --
> Mahesh Shiramagond
> Kuwait
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NUG-927490
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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To All,
Most data products have returned. We are still addressing the remaining
Thanks for your patience,
Rick Miska