All, In an effort to solidify our products and to efficiently use computational resources, we will no longer be generating a low-level composite reflectivity product and the associated height field in the national 2-D mosaic products suite. For all the users who are currently receiving data from our NMQ system (either via ftp or LDM), the change will impact the mosaic2d NetCDF files. There will simply be *two* less products (i.e., lcref and hgt_lcref, see attached document) in the mosaic2d NetCDF file. The change will be in effect around 1800UTC today (March 8, 2007). If you would encounter any problems with the new mosaic2d NetCDF data file, please let us know. Thanks, Jian -------------------------------------------------------------- Jian Zhang, Ph.D. Research Scientist CIMMS/OU and NSSL/WRDD National Weather Center Tel: 405-325-6485 120 David L. Boren Blvd Fax: 405-325-6780 Norman, OK73072 Email: address@hidden
NSSL National 3-D Mosaic Products 1-30-2007.pdf
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