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20011105: model news-jifmemo: jif_memo_011102 (fwd)
- Subject: 20011105: model news-jifmemo: jif_memo_011102 (fwd)
- Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 07:23:41 -0700
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 2:52 PM -0500
From: John Ward <address@hidden>
-> John Ward <address@hidden> writes:
November 2, 2001
MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution E
FROM: John H. Ward
Chief, Production Management Branch
SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite
Items 840 - 842 were implemented at 12Z on Tuesday, 30
October instead of 23 October.
The holiday moratorium is expected to begin on Wednesday, 12
December. Therefore, request for changes to the Production Suite
must be received by noon on Wednesday, 28 November in order to be
scheduled for implementation during the week of 10 December.
There will be no scheduled changes to the Production Suite during
the week of 19 November.
Parallel testing of the 12 km Eta began on 31 October.
Operational implementation of the 12 km Eta has been tentatively
scheduled for Tuesday, 27 November.
Machine aliases "prodsp" and "devsp" are available for use.
Prodsp will always be an alias for the current production SP
machine, either asp or bsp. Similarly, devsp will always be an
alias for the development machine. These aliases will be changed
at the same time production is switched from one machine to the
A list of the major model implementations planned for the
remainder of 2001 and a preliminary schedule for 2002 can be
found at:
As additional information about each implementation becomes
available, links will be added on the change summary page.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following crisis item was implemented this past week:
876. PQACT - IBM Job DCMETR. (Caruso, NP12). This
program decodes METAR/SPECI and SAO bulletins and re-encodes
them into BUFR format. The program has been modified to
handle changes to the METAR format, including decoding of no
sky cover ("NSC"), decoding the new SST and sea state field,
and decoding the new max wind indicated by a "P" between the
wind direction and wind speed (and for gusts, the letters "GP"
before the gust speed). SST and sea state were also added to
the METAR BUFR output. Done at 15Z on 30 October.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following unscheduled item was implemented this past
877. W3LIB - IBM Job Member GBLEVENTS. (Keyser, NP22).
This W3LIB routine runs in either a "PREVENTS" mode, which
prepares observational PREPBUFR reports for subsequent quality
control and analysis programs, or in a "POSTEVENTS" mode, which
encodes the global sigma analysis interpolated to observation
locations into the observational PREPBUFR reports. The routine
is being modified to perform a linear interpolation between
spectral coefficients in two spanning global sigma guess or
analysis files which are three-hours apart in cases when the
center date in the PREPBUFR file contains an hour which is not a
multiple of three. This is necessary because the global sigma
guess files verify only at hours which are a multiple of three.
This change will allow the RUC2A PREPBUFR files at 01, 02, 04,
05, 07, 08, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22 and 23Z to contain
first guess information and will improve the performance of the
subsequent platform-specific quality control programs. In
particular, the complete VAD wind data set will no longer be
flagged by PREPOBS_CQCVAD in RUC2A runs at these cycle times.
For all other networks, as well as the RUC2A network at cycle
times which are a multiple of 3, the global sigma files verifying
at the center time in the PREPBUFR file will be encoded into the
PREPBUFR file as before. Done at 12Z on 31 October.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following items, which will be implemented at 12Z on 6
November, represents the operational implementation of Climate
processing on the IBM SP. This first implementation, the
six-month mean climate forecasts will become available on the OOS
ftp server. The data will become available 6 November and will
be completed at the end of the forecast run on 5 December. Two
months of climate information will remain on the OOS ftp server.
The November data will remain on the server while the December
forecast is being generated. In January, the November data will
be removed as the January forecast is produced.
878. MODELIB - New Library. (Pan, NP23). This new
library computes the zonal and meridional derivatives, resolves
multiple tridiagonal matrix inconsistencies, and computes inverse
of matrix in place using gauss-jordan reduction with maximum
pivot. The following members/subroutines are included in this
bsslz1 gl2gl idsdef parzen rmaxmin valts
fft99m glats iminvf pder sg2sg wryte
filtcof gspc incdte pleg tridi2 ysminv
gaulat gtbits maxmin poly trispl
879. CLIMW3L - New Library. (Pan, NP23). This new
library unpacks an Ensemble members' GRIB PDS, thickens thinned
WAFS GRIB grid, performs secondary packing on grid point data,
and performs trend analysis. The following members/subroutines
are included in this library:
aea gbytes pdsens unpindx w3fp11 xmovex
assign getgbss pdseup w3doxdat w3fs26
baopen getgir rdgb w3fi01 w3ft33
baread iw3jdn sbyte w3fi04 w3locdat
datimx iw3pds sbytes w3fi63 w3pack
gbyte ixgb skgb w3fi83 w3tagb
880. SHARE - New Library. (Pan, NP23). This new library
computes the following: spectral model cosine-weighted wind
components from spectral model vorticity and divergence; sines,
cosines and gaussian weights; saturation vapor pressure from
temperature; dewpoint temperature from vapor pressure;
temperature and specific humidity of a parcel; and saturation
vapor pressure. In addition, fourier coefficients are
synthesized from spectral coefficients. The following
members/subroutines are included in this library:
albocn fpvs ftdpxg gozrmt merge setzro
cmpind fpvs0 fthe gpvs newice snodfix
count fpvsq ftheq gribit psynths snosfc
dztouv fpvsq0 fthex gtdp psynthv tsfcor
elat fpvsx ftlcl gthe qcbyfc znlavs
epslon fpvsx0 ftma gtma qcmxmn znlody
fnam ftdp ftmaq isrcheqx qcsli znlsfc
fpkap ftdpq ftmax isrchfltx rowli znlwgt
fpkapx ftdpx ftmaxg isrchnex rowsep
881. MPI - New Library. (Pan, NP23). This new library
performs the calculations necessary to set the MPI barrier for
all nodes on the IBM SP. The following members/subroutines are
included in this library:
dimset mpbcasti mpgetlat mpn2nn mpnx2nk mpsyncol
equdis mpbcastl mpgetspd mpnk2nn mspnx2x mpsynrow
equdiv mpbcastr mpgf2p mpnk2nx mpny2nl mpx2nx
equlw12 mpdimset mpgp2f mpnl2ny mpsf2p preduceg
mpabort mpfine mpinit mpnn2n mpsp2f spcshfli
mpbcastc mpgetken mplatall mpnn2nk mpsynall sapcshflo
882. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the 21 year hindcast preprocessing step
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
883. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_preprocessing.sh.sms performs the 21
year hindcast preprocessing step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
884. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the 21 year hindcast integration step
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
885. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_integrate.sh.sms performs the 21
year hindcast integration step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
886. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the 21 year hindcast postprocessing step
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
887. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_postprocessing.sh.sms performs the 21
year hindcast integration step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
888. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the 21 year hindcast average processing
step for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
889. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_postaverage.sh.sms performs the 21
year hindcast average processing step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
890. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the current month's preprocessing step
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
891. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_preprocessing.sh.sms performs the
current month's preprocessing step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
892. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the current month's integration step
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
893. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_integrate.sh.sms performs the
current month's integration step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
894. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the current month's postprocessing step
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
895. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_postprocessing.sh.sms performs the
current month's integration step for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
896. SMS - IBM Jobs clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). The task scripts, man pages and definition files for
these new jobs release the current month's average processing
step for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
897. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). New script exclim_postaverage.sh.sms performs the
current month's average processing step for the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model.
898. SMS - IBM Job CLIM_TARTOHSM. (Zhu, NP11). The
task scripts, man pages and definition files for this new
job releases the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
Model's tape archival process.
899. SCRIPT - IBM Job CLIM_TARTOHSM. (Zhu, NP11). New
parent script JCLIM_TARTOHSM.sms.prod initializes variables
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
Model's tape archival process.
900. SMS - IBM Job CLIM_TRANSFER. (Zhu, NP11). The
task scripts, man pages and definition files for this new
job releases the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
Model's data transfer process.
901. SCRIPT - IBM Job CLIM_TRANSFER. (Zhu, NP11). New
parent script JCLIM_TRANSFER.sms.prod initializes variables for
the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) Model's data
transfer process, which transfers model data from the primary
machine to the backup machine.
902. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Zhu, NP11). New script
clim_deloutput.sh removes /cpccom/output directory files which
are older than four days.
903. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_sfc.sh
formats the sst, ice and snow surface fields for ingesting into
the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
904. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
exclim_preporcessing.sh.sm generates input surface analysis
fields for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
905. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_sfc0.sh
replaces specified fields in the initial surface files for
the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
906. CLIM_SFC - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). These new programs
generate preprocessed surface analysis fields for the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
907. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_fcstparm.sh creates forecast and hindcast namelist data
for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
908. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_fhout.sh
determines the current forecast hindcast hour for the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
909. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_restart.sh determines which restart hour to retrieve for the
forecast and hindcast for the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model.
910. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_chrg.sh
changes the resolution of the MRF sigma and surface files for
ingesting into the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
911. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_getopini.sh retrieves the correct operational sigma, sfc,
sst, snow and ice files for ingesting into the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
912. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_date.sh
reads stamps the current date file for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) model.
913. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_cn4dig.sh changes a sigma and surface file 2-digit year to a
4-digit year for ingesting into the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model.
914. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_coldstart.sh determines the initial starting point whenever
recovery is necessary whenever "cold starting" the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
915. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
exclim_integrate.sh.sms generates the surface, sigma, and flux
files for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
916. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_ibm2ie3.sh converts Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model IBM formatted files to IEEE format.
917. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_fcst.sh
generates the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
model forecast.
918. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_cnvrt.sh
converts Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model
files to the native format.
919. CLIM_DATE - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new programs
retrieves date from a Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model file.
920. CLIM_CNVRT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program changes
the data type to a readable form for the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) model.
921. CLIM_IBM2IE3 - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
converts sigma or surface files to IEEE format files for the
Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
922. CLIM_FCST - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
performs integration processing for the Climate Atmospheric
Circulation (CAGC) model.
923. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_getsst.sh obtains the current year's climate sst, ice and
snow fields for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model.
924. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_inchour.sh determines the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's forecast increment hour.
925. CLIM_INCHOUR - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
computes Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model's
forecast increment hour.
926. CLIM_CHGR - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program changes
the resolution of the MRF's sigma and surface files for use by
the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
927. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
exclim_postprocessing.sh.sms generates the Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) model's pressure grib files.
928. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_post.is
template retrieves Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
model's forecast hours for various dates.
929. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_post.sh
postprocesses and archives Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's extvars files.
930. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_extvarsput.sh concatenates Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's extvars files.
931. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script clim_pgb.sh
generate Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model's
pressure grib files for postprocessing.
932. CLIM_WGRIB - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
generates or retrieves grib headers for Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) model's pressure grib files.
933. CLIM_PGB - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
transforms Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model's
sigma files into pressure grib files.
934. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New multi-purpose script
clim_prepare_post.sh can do the following: generate pressure grib
files; submit postprocessing jobs to run in the background; and
can run independent of other jobs, which allows parallel
processing of other Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model forecast or hindcast jobs.
935. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_extvars.sh initializes variables for program CLIM_WGRIB,
which generate or retrieve grib headers for Climate Atmospheric
General Circulation (CAGC) model's pressure grib files.
clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18, clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18, clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_forepost_00/06/12/18, clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan,
NP23). This new program changes Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's pressure grib file dates.
937. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_chgdates.sh modifies Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model's file internal dates.
938. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_delfile.sh removes Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model's temporary work files in order to save disk space.
939. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
exclim_postaverage.sh.sms generates the hindcast and forecast
averages for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
940. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_arch2hsm.sh archives the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's pressure grib and surface files.
941. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_post_avrg.sh processes the averages and generates the mean
fields for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
942. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_ftpavrg.sh transfers Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model's extvar grib files from the primary machine to
other machines.
943. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_variance.sh generates Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's variance files.
944. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_ftparch.sh archives Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model's hindcast and forecast history files for each
forecast hour.
945. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_average.sh calculates the GRIB variances for the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
946. CLIM_GRVAR - IBM Jobs clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
extracts GRIB means from Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model files.
947. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_ftpscr.sh retrieves the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model's input files from other sources.
948. CLIM_GRMEAN - IBM Jobs clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18, clim_forepost_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
generates grib means for the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) model.
949. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_incdte.sh initializes variables for program CLIM_INCDATE,
which increments the hindcast and forecast dates for the Climate
Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
950. CLIM_INCDTE - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18, clim_forecast_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program
computes the hindcast and forecast date increment for the
Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
951. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18, clim_forepost_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New script
clim_endfhrs.sh obtains the ending hindcast and forecast hour for
the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model.
952. CLIM_CHGDATES - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18, clim_forepost_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). This new program changes
the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC) model's sigma
files' internal dates.
953. FIXED FIELDS - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18, clim_forepost_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New fixed fields are
being added for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation
(CAGC) model.
954. PARMS - IBM Jobs clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18, clim_hindpost_00/06/12/18,
clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18, clim_foreprep_00/06/12/18,
clim_forecast_00/06/12/18, clim_forepost_00/06/12/18,
clim_foreavrg_00/06/12/18. (Pan, NP23). New parms are being
added for the Climate Atmospheric General Circulation (CAGC)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following items will also be implemented at 12Z on
Tuesday, 6 November:
955. ETA_PRDGEN - IBM Jobs 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251.
(Manikin, NP22). This program is the product generator for the
Eta model. It reads the master native grid GRIB file and creates
non-native GRIB files that are needed from the Eta model forecast
suite. The parameter files for this code are being augmented to
include the generation of 211 grids to support AWIPS
956. DATACARDS - IBM Job 242. (Manikin, NP22). The
WMOGRIB task performs the 00-12 hour AWIPS processing of Eta
model data and adds WMO headers. The data cards for the 211 and
212 grids are being modified to add the fields required in the
AWIPS Appendix K documentation.
957. DATACARDS - IBM Job 244. (Manikin, NP22). The
WMOGRIB task performs the 15-24 hour AWIPS processing of Eta
model data and adds WMO headers. The data cards for the 211 and
212 grids are being modified to add the fields required in the
AWIPS Appendix K documentation.
958. DATACARDS - IBM Job 246. (Manikin, NP22). The
WMOGRIB task performs the 27-36 hour AWIPS processing of Eta
model data and adds WMO headers. The data cards for the 211 and
212 grids are being modified to add the fields required in the
AWIPS Appendix K documentation.
959. DATACARDS - IBM Job 248. (Manikin, NP22). The
WMOGRIB task performs the 39-48 hour AWIPS processing of Eta
model data and adds WMO headers. The data cards for the 211 and
212 grids are being modified to add the fields required in the
AWIPS Appendix K documentation.
960. DATACARDS - IBM Job 250. (Manikin, NP22). The
WMOGRIB task performs the 51-60 hour AWIPS processing of Eta
model data and adds WMO headers. The data cards for the 211 and
212 grids are being modified to add the fields required in the
AWIPS Appendix K documentation.
961. SCRIPT - Many IBM Jobs. (Sager, NP12). Script
gempak_gif_rsync.sh sends GIF images created on the IBM SP to
NCEP's web server. This modification sends a duplicate of the
GIF images to a dedicated linux box, so that we can better handle
the creation of the web pages on the dedicated linux box.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following items will be implemented at 15Z on Tuesday, 6
962. DCELRW - IBM Job PQCAT. (Ator, NP12). This program
decodes EUMETSAT low resolution satellite wind data and then
re-encodes the output into BUFR format for the observational
database. The program is being modified to fix an error in the
initialization of an array and to write a diagnostic to the
decoder log if an input BUFR message contains an unexpected
descriptor sequence.
963. DCUSND - IBM Job PQACT. (Ator, NP12). This program
decodes rawinsonde bulletins and re-encodes the output into BUFR
for the observational database. This program is being modified
to comment out the logic, which performs the basic hydrostatic
consistency checks of certain mandatory level heights vs.
neighboring mandatory levels, where the leading digit of the
height is known. The SDMs and QAP personnel will closely monitor
the effects of this change to ensure that the CQCBUFR program,
which performs a more complex and rigorous quality control on
rawinsonde heights and temperatures for the NCEP model ingest, is
properly handling all of the heights that the decoder will now be
allowing to pass through unchecked.
-> Posted to jifmemo.
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