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20011102: availability of GOES-8 imagery over South America
- Subject: 20011102: availability of GOES-8 imagery over South America
- Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2001 15:16:10 -0700
>From: Chris Anderson <address@hidden>
>Organization: Iowa State
>Keywords: 200111022132.fA2LW7128427 GOES-East imagery
>I made an inquiry this summer about whether the coverage of *.goes8ir
>imagery in the UNIDATA archive could be increased to include the southern
>hemisphere. Some of the email correspondance I received is included
Yes, I wrote the email that you included.
>The gist of it is that I would need to contact UNIDATA Project
>staff to make such a request. But I also was told that UNIDATA was
>updating a "box" at SSEC (see below) so that larger sectors could be
As I noted in my earlier email, larger sectors will be available on the
new machine through remote access methods like ADDE and DODS. The
larger (and more frequent) sectors will most likely not, however, be
broadcast in the IDD. The reason for this is that numerous sites are
already having difficulties receiving the current image sectors.
Increasing the size or frequency of broadcast frequency of those
sectors would only worsen the situation.
After carefully considering the impacts that larger/more frequent (and
additional channel) sectors would have on the IDD, especially at sites
with anything but spectacular network connections, it was decided that
providing remote, on demand access would be the most prudent approach
to take. We will be providing this access through McIDAS ADDE and
DODS. This does not mean that one has to run McIDAS to access the
imagery, however (although this is most easily done in McIDAS). A Java
application has been written that allows one to sectorize and copy
imagery from remote ADDE servers to local image files (in AREA
format). This application will be made available at the same time that
we announce availability of the enhanced image data.
>I have yet to see an announcement on either ldm-users or
>mcidas-x users of an increase in the coverage of goes8 image areas in the
>realtime UNIDATA feed.
I have been holding off on making such an announcement until the
machine has been installed at SSEC. Any notice before that milestone
would create expectations in the Unidata community that would suffer by
delays (which we have seen).
>My question is: do you have any information about
>when such an upgrade may occur?
The machine is now being configured here in Unidata. When the setup
will be complete is not exactly certain, but this effort was made a
program priority upon recommendations of the Unidata Users Committee
Meeting during their meeting held here in Boulder at the beginning of
>A second question I have is: if I submit
>a request to Unidata to expand goes8ir coverage, who do I send it to?
If you feel that remote, on demand access to all of the imagery
being generated by GOES-East and GOES-West is not sufficient to
support your education and research activities, then I encourage
you to send your request for additions to the Unidata-Wisconsin
datastream to the Unidata Users Committee: address@hidden,
and/or directly to Dr. Rich Clark, the chairman of the
Unidata Users Committee: address@hidden.
I apologize for the delays. They are as unsettling to me as you!
>Chris Anderson
>Iowa State University
>On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Unidata Support wrote:
>> What I can add to Dee's response is that Unidata will be shipping a new
>> machine to SSEC reasonably soon (yes Dee, the machine is is being
>> brought to life as I write this) as a replacement for the aging box
>> that provides access to the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream archives.
>> This new machine will be configured to provide realtime access to increased
>> satellite imagery including scans extending down into South America.
>> This access will be provided by McIDAS ADDE, DODS, and by more
>> conventional access methods such as FTP. Please stay tuned to the
>> address@hidden and address@hidden email lists
>> for official announcement availability to these data.
>> Tom Yoksas
>> Unidata User Support
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Mon Nov 5 09:57:54 2001
>Subject: Re: 20011102: availability of GOES-8 imagery over South America
Thank you for your prompt response. I didn't mean to sound grumpy about
the pace at which the data stream might be upgraded. I meant to send an
innocuous email just asking if anyone had an ETA for including the
southern hemisphere in goes8 UNIDATA archive/datastream. I think you are
all doing a fine job.
Thanks again,
Chris Anderson
Research Associate
Iowa State University