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TOMORROW June 1 starting at 12Z, 24hr test of NCEP's new supercomputer

Hello CONDUIT users, 

Tomorrow starting with the 12Z model cycle data will begin populating in production from our new supercomputer rather than our old one, for 24 hours. What this means in practice for you all is that the timing of some products may change slightly, and the directory that will be listed for the files in the conduit LDM entries will change.

Instead of /common/data/model/com/<model name>/prod/ you will see /common/data/model/com/<model name>/v<version number>/ in the directory structure. Also, a few models/files are moving directory structure (but I don't think any of them go to CONDUIT).

Here are the SCNs for the changes which include a list of the version numbers for each model:

I apologize for not alerting you sooner but we have been focused on what this change will mean for our other applications for the public (which were prepped a couple weeks ago) and had not realized the potential impact to CONDUIT until today.

Please let us know if you have any issues with the test tomorrow outside of the path change to version number. Once the 24hr test is done we will go back to the existing "prod" dir until June 14, at which point our second 24hr test will take place.

Thank you,
Anne Myckow
Dataflow Team Lead