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Re: missed GFS 1 degree data from CONDUIT

In a previous message to me, you wrote: 

 >  Unfortunately, I only keep the data from the last couple of days, so I can'
  >t check from over the 
 >weekend.  The user has told me that they have missed data other than from the
  > 6 UTC run....
 >I was able to look at 7/31 ... no GFS messages were missed that day.

Ok, keep an eye on things, let me know if reception improves now that
I have rescheduled the backup to try to fall in between gfs runs.



 >So far Today:
 >RUN=00 DAY=20060801 NONE missing
 >RUN=06 DAY=20060801
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=045 expected=328 actual=327
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=048 expected=328 actual=234
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=051 expected=328 actual=236
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=054 expected=328 actual=294
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=057 expected=328 actual=290
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=060 expected=328 actual=297
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=063 expected=328 actual=311
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=066 expected=328 actual=326
 >20060801 run=06 forecast=069 expected=328 actual=327
 >RUN=12 DAY=20060801 NONE missing
 >Steve Chiswell wrote:
 >> Jerry,
 >> Can you send me your "request" lines related to CONDUIT for your ldm
 >> so that I can see if this might be related to an auto shifting problem.
 >> Note that motherlode is downstream of f5 at U. Wisc. so that
 >> might be an issue in what you are looking at.
 >> Steve Chiswell
 >> Unidata User Support
 >> On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 11:34, Jerrold Robaidek wrote:
 >>> Hi,
 >>> Has anyone else noticed that over the last few weeks, some of the CONDUIT 
  >1 degree GFS data has been 
 >>> missed?  It's been happening for a few weeks, but today was the first time
  > we compared our missing 
 >>> to what motherlode received (or missed).
 >>> Here is an example:
 >>> The status file indicates that there should be 328 grib messages for 20060
  >801 06 UTC run, the 48 
 >>> hour forecast.
 >>> Motherlode got 227
 >>> We(pepe) got  234
 >>> I can not pin point the exact day this began, but one of our users has not
  >iced intermittent missing 
 >>> data for at least a couple of weeks
 >>> Thanks,
 >>> Jerry
 >Jerrold Robaidek                       Email:  address@hidden
 >SSEC Data Center                       Phone: (608) 262-6025
 >University of Wisconsin                Fax: (608) 263-6738
 >Madison, Wisconsin
 >To unsubscribe conduit, visit:

^ Pete Pokrandt                    V 1447  AOSS Bldg  1225 W Dayton St^
^ Systems Programmer               V Madison,         WI     53706    ^
^                                  V      address@hidden       ^
^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
^ University of Wisconsin-Madison  V       262-0166 (Fax)             ^