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[AWIPS #RXM-953481]: CAVE - NCEP WPC Surface Fronts Analysis question

Hi Pete,

Could you either also send the header information of the file that worked, or 
attach the original file

The distribution file (redbook.xml) compares it's regular expression against 
the file header information,
not the filename.  Looking at what you sent from a few emails back (at the 
redbook-2.xml and pyaa98.bin) 
those should produce a match.  You must make sure you have overridden the 
"redbook.xml" file in the
distribution directory and then you must either restart EDEX or **wait** until 
the top of the next minute.
Is it possible EDEX wasn't restarted or waited quite long enough between making 
that change and adding the
pyaa file?
I suppose it is also possible that one of the files is in a slightly different 
format than the other, 
and so EDEX does not know how to process it.  Do you have any entry in the 
following log:

To answer your questions:
-It's possible if one file is in a format that the EDEX decoder doesn't 
recognize then it could fail to
process one data set but not the other.
-If the data is processed **correctly** you should see an entry in 
and you **may** see an entry in the "unrecognized" log file if it **does not** 
decode properly.

Let me know if that helps.
--Shay Carter

AWIPS Software Engineer
UCAR - Unidata

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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RXM-953481
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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