Hi Ryan,
My new question did not involve the old issues with the surface wx map -- it was entirely different and involved the sample program which seems to use a NARR pressure file; but doesn't...it shows an overlay of a pressure field on a temperature field...
Sorry to be so much trouble...
Max P. Bleiweiss, M.S., F.R.A.S.
Agricultural Research Scientist (ret.)
New Mexico State University mobile: +1 575.640.2275
Department of Entomology, e-mail: maxb@nmsu.edu
Plant Pathology and Weed Science e-mail: max.bleiweiss@startmail.com
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Alexandre Dumas
From: NSF Unidata MetPy, Siphon (Python) <support-python@unidata.ucar.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 8:51 PM
To: Max Bleiweiss
Cc: archive-python@unidata.ucar.edu
Subject: RE: (#MQD-9803417) question regarding "Combined Plotting" example...
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