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[UDUNITS #OTA-964622]: udunits2 error message
- Subject: [UDUNITS #OTA-964622]: udunits2 error message
- Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 16:06:07 -0600
> (1)In testUnits.c :
> second = ut_new_base_unit(unitSystem);
> CU_ASSERT_PTR_NULL(ut_offset_by_time(second,
> ut_encode_time(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)));
> CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ut_get_status(), UT_NO_SECOND);
> My modified test without CUnit calls:
> ut_unit *second = ut_new_base_unit(unitSystem);
> if (second == NULL)
> printf("Error\n"); // This is NOT printed
> if (ut_offset_by_time(second, ut_encode_time(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL)
> printf("Error\n"); // This is printed
The above isn't an error: under these conditions, ut_encode_time() should
return NULL.
> if (ut_get_status() != UT_NO_SECOND)
> printf("Error\n"); // This is printed
It shouldn't be. What is the value returned by ut_get_status()?
> The second and third errors are printed.
> I’m using the same checking conditions as in the CU tests
Not quite.
> so my inference is that this is not working.
> Am I mistaken?
See my responses above.
> (2)With udunits-1 I could do this :
> float second;
> double val = 1095.0;
> int year, year2, month, day, hour, minute;
> utIni(&unit);
> if (stat = utScan("days since 1895-01-01", &unit) == 0)
> {
> if (stat = utIsTime(&unit) == 1)
> {
> year2 = 1900;
> utCalendar(val, &unit, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second);
> printf("%lf = %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%f\n", val, month, day, year, hour, minute,
> second);
> utInvCalendar(year2, month, day, hour, minute, second, &unit, &val);
> printf("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%f = %lf\n", month, day, year2, hour, minute, second,
> val);
> }
> }
> I looked through the supplied docs, links and help pages for udunits2 and did
> not see any help on how I could achieve the above
> Basically I want to parse a string like “days since 1895-01-01”, then convert
> a value to date and a date to value
> Can you guide me on how I can do a similar thing using udunits2?
You're right. There doesn't appear to be a way to do that in the UDUNITS-2
package. An oversight on my part.
I'll see about adding that capability.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OTA-964622
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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