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[Support #ZZS-676605]: [udunits] Need to represent Celsius and Fahrenheit with C & F


> Thank you for that reply.  You put forth a very good argument, and it 
> wouldn't be that much trouble for me to put a conversion table in my program 
> that gets the unit strings from Aspen Plus.
> I don't suppose you could point me to a document that gives the international 
> standard unit abbreviations?  I have found that Fahrenheit is normally is 
> normally given as "\xB0C", but I don't want to use anything that a user would 
> find hard to type at a keyboard.  So "deg_F" would be preferable.  However, I 
> haven't seen that abbreviation anywhere official.

I've found the publications from NIST to be very useful. See 

"deg_F" isn't a de jure standard. It was added for just the reasons you 

> I'll talk to my supervisors about this.
> Thanks,
> Jim

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZZS-676605
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: High
Status: Closed