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[UDUNITS #CTU-258510]: UDUNITS_PATH environment variable question


> I recently built some code that depends on the calendaring software in 
> UDUNITS 2.1.14.  This code includes the xml files that come with this 
> version, and internally sets the UDUNITS2_XML_PATH environment variable to 
> point to these files.
> Some users are having problems with our code because they have other versions 
> of UDUNITS installed on their system, and they have UDUNITS_PATH or 
> UDUNITS2_XML_PATH set to point to their version.
> I have two questions: Does UDUNITS-2 use both UDUNITS_PATH and 
> UDUNITS2_XML_PATH to look for these files? If so, does one take precedence 
> over the other?

The UDUNITS-2 package only uses the UDUNITS2_XML_PATH environment variable.

> Is there some kind of incompatibility between versions of these XML files? I 
> seem to remember at one point I had the 2.1.*12* version of these files still 
> on my machine, and was trying to use UDUNITS-2.1.14 with these files. This 
> was causing the UDUNITS-2 initialization software to return an error.

The UDUNITS-1 package doesn't use XML files at all.  Instead, the database is 
stored in a textual file with an idiosyncratic format.

The API of the UDUNITS-2 package was designed to be completely different from 
the UDUNITS-1 API so that the two packages could be used by the same program.

> --Mary

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CTU-258510
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed