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[UDUNITS #FQI-238313]: HQH-143932: CDFconvert Configuration: problem with udunits2
- Subject: [UDUNITS #FQI-238313]: HQH-143932: CDFconvert Configuration: problem with udunits2
- Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:30:19 -0600
> Thanks for answering so quick. I am very sorry for all inconvenience caused
> by my fast copy-paste bugs in my original massage.
> The tool is CDFconvert. In order to install it on our Linux machine, udunits
> is needed. So, I've installed udunits version 2.2.8, and there is no problem
> with that except that executable version in /usr/local/bin is now udunits2
> instead udunits (with libraries is the same thing). Therefore, there is an
> issue in "configure" program for installing cdfconvert since there is the
> section for linking with udunits. I started adapting "configure" for
> cdfconvert so that udunits2 could be localized instead of udunits as normally
> defined. But, it's complicated and I cannot modify whole whole section for in
> that code. I am wondering why the latest version of udunits has been settled
> in a way to be installed as udunits2 instead of udunits? Obviously, in that
> case there is compatibility issue while installing other tools that are
> related to the udunits.
> What possibly we can do?
> Hope this explication was simple and understandable.
I think I understand. You're trying to install the CDFconvert package and this
package needs the UDUNITS package.
Unfortunately, the CDFconvert package isn't one of ours, so we don't know what
to do either. You might try contacting the developers of that package with
your problem.
Or, you might try installing the original UDUNITS package rather than the
UDUNITS-2 package. They are two different packages.
> Cheers,
> Milka
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FQI-238313
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed