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[UDUNITS #FWW-351992]: How to install UDUNITS package on Linux fedora?
- Subject: [UDUNITS #FWW-351992]: How to install UDUNITS package on Linux fedora?
- Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:25:17 -0700
> I follow your instructions and get a little progress; but I still get an
> error when I tried "make" program.
> What I did as following:
> 1. export CPPFLAGS='-Df2cFortran=f95' CC=gcc
> 2. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local 2>&1 | tee configure.log
> 3. make 2>&1 | tee make.log
> Please see the xxx.log files as attachments.
The file "make.log" contained
> /root/install/udunits-1.12.4/src/lib/libudunits.a(utlib.o)(.text+0x42d): In
> function `dectime':
> /root/install/udunits-1.12.4/src/lib/utlib.c:366: undefined reference to
> `fmod'
It appears that, on your system, the Standard-C math function are not part of
C runtime library.
Please try the following:
1. Go to the top-level source-directory.
2. Execute the command "make distclean".
3. Ensure that the environment variable CPPFLAGS contains the
string "-Df2cFortran" as before. You do not have to define
its value as "f95": "-Df2cFortran" is sufficient. For
export CPPFLAGS=-Df2cFortran
4. Ensure that the environment variable LD_MATH is set to a
link-time reference of the math library. For example
export LD_MATH=-lm
5. Execute the "configure" script. Redirect both the
standard output and standard error streams to the file
6. Execute the command "make". Redirect both the standard
output and standard error streams to the file "make.log".
7. Execute the command "make test". Redirect both the
standard output and standard error streams to the file
8. Execute the command "make install". Redirect both the
standard output and standard error streams to the file "install.log".
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FWW-351992
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed