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20050516: UDUNITS - How to express scaled units
- Subject: 20050516: UDUNITS - How to express scaled units
- Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 17:02:45 -0600
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 15:01:36 -0600 (MDT)
> Organization: NOAA
> Keywords: 200505162101.j4GL1a0Z007433
> To: support-udunits:@laraine.unidata.ucar.edu
> Subject: UDUNITS - How to express scaled units?
> From: "Mark Ohrenschall" <address@hidden>
The above message contained the following:
> Institution: NOAA
> Package Version: irrelevant
> Operating System: irrelevant
> Hardware Information: irrelevant
> Inquiry: I'm using UDUNITS as a convention for a controlled vocabulary -- not
> as a software package.
> I'm wondering how to describe data that is not in degrees celsius, but in
> tenths of degrees celsius -- it's integer data with an implied decimal point.
The name of the physical quantity whose unit is "degrees celsius" is
"celsius temperature" -- so I would think that the name of your physical
quantity would be something like "decicelsius temperature".
Alternatively, you could continue to name it "degrees celsius" with the
understanding that any non-unity scaling factor would have to be taken
into account in order to obtain that quantity.
The UDUNITS package supports the following unit specifications for such
a physical quantity:
0.1 degC
0.1 degree_Celsius
0.1 deg_C
> Incidentally, I notice that "kg" is permissible but "km" is not.
The UDUNITS package supports "km" as a composite of a "k" prefix and an
"m" base-unit:
$ udunits
You have: km
You want:
Definition: "1000 meter"
You have: km
You want: m
<m> = <km>*1000
<m> = <km>/0.001
You have: ^D
> So
> furthermore, if I have data that is in units of kilometers, apparently I have
> to express that data in thousands of meters. How do I express the 10^3 scaling
> factor in this case? (And the 10^-1 scaling factor in the prior case?)
> Thank you
Steve Emmerson
> NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
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