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20030325: Unit for Hertz should be "Hz" not "hz"
- Subject: 20030325: Unit for Hertz should be "Hz" not "hz"
- Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 08:42:03 -0700
> To: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
> cc: "Walker, HJ (Helen) " <address@hidden>
> From: "Stephens, A (Ag) " <address@hidden>
> Subject: Unit for Hertz should be "Hz" not "hz"
> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
The above message contained the following:
> Please note that the current list of supported units includes Hertz with a
> small 'h' as "hz".
> The correct abbreviation for this unit is "Hz" with a capital 'h'.
Quite right. Thanks for pointing this out. It'll be fixed in the
next release.
> Kind regards,
> Ag Stephens
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Ag Stephens Ph : +44 (0)1235 446220
> Data Scientist, Fax: +44 (0)1235 446314
> British Atmospheric Data Centre,
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
> Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
> Email: address@hidden Web: http://badc.nerc.ac.uk
> -------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Emmerson