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19980203: Re: My operations O.K. ?
- Subject: 19980203: Re: My operations O.K. ?
- Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 08:33:09 -0700
Dear Masakazu,
>Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 11:35:17 +0900 (JST)
>From: Masakazu Taguchi <address@hidden>
>Organization: Kyoto University
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: My operations O.K. ?
>Keywords: 199901250940.CAA05060
In the above message, you wrote:
> It is very kind of you to be so thoughtful.
> I let you know my decision, and could you check it please ?
> Recently, I have changed my mind
> to skip installing the NetCDF perl extensions,
> because I probably need only libudunits.a at the beginning and
> because it's troublesome to reinstall gcc and perl to our systems.
> My grounds are found in README :
> 1. libudunits.a depends only on src/lib, dependent from src/perl,
> 2. the NetCDF perl extensions mean src/perl.
> Are these correct ?
> I tried as you told :
> > 1. Go to the top-level UDUNITS source directory.
> > 2. Execute the command "make distclean".
> > 3. Set your environment variables as before.
> > 4. Set the environment variable PERL to the empty string.
> > 5. Execute the configure script.
> > 6. Execute the command "make".
> > 7. Execute the command "make test".
> > 8. Execute the command "make install".
> But "make" brings about errors in src/perl :
> # returning to directory /u03d17/taguchi/lib/udunits/udunits-1.11.7/src
> # cd perl && Makefile.PL
> # sh: Makefile.PL: $B<B9T8"$,$"$j$^$;$s(B ( = You can not execute it. )
> # *** Error code 1 (ignored)
> # making `dynamic' in directory
> # /u03d17/taguchi/lib/udunits/udunits-1.11.7/src/perl
> It is because Makefile.PL can not be executed due to empty PERL, I guess.
> If PERL were not set to empty,
> such errors would not occur by % perl Makefile.PL.
Odd. Setting the PERL environment variable to the empty string should
have cause the "make" to skip the "per/" subdirectory.
> Instead of setting PERL to empty,
> I remove perl/* from the targets in src/Makefile :
> # BEFORE all: port/all lib/all udunits/all perl/dynamic
> # AFTER all: port/all lib/all udunits/all etc.,
> since I do not need perl extensions.
> Then, I succeed to execute "make, make test, make install" .
> Is libudunits.a perfect obtained from my operations above ?
You did well. The udunits library resulting from the above will be
good. Go ahead and do a "make install".
Steve Emmerson <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>