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Re: Monthly wind u from 20th reanalysis, binary not working ?

Dear R. Abarca del Rio-

As Sean from Unidata's THREDDS support said, it's probably because of the size of the request.  However, please note that a successful request from the page you are trying will give you an OPeNDAP digital blob, that is only useful in the context of OPeNDAP.  Sean's suggestion for other tools to subset/download data will give you a more useful netCDF file.

Don Murray
(answering for PSL Web & Data)

On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 5:14 PM Prof. R. Abarca del Rio <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear colleague

I'd like to download the u monthly winds from 20th reanalyses, at all levels, for all months, for all lat and lons, etc levels, etc .
I'm there, I push get binary and nothing happens. What should I do?Am I doing something wrong ?


R. Abarca del Rio
Departamento de Geofísica
Universidad de Concepcion
