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[THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
- Subject: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
- Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:43:18 -0600
I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but apparently, the files you are
creating are not recognized as being netcdf format. For instance, look
at this output:
madry@MENDAX /z/testdata/support/SYD-491615/data
$ ncdump -k macav2livneh_was_inmcm4_rcp85_2086_2100_CONUS.nc
c:\Program Files (x86)\NetCDF 4.3.0\bin\ncdump.exe:
macav2livneh_was_inmcm4_rcp85_2086_2100_CONUS.nc: NetCDF: Unknown file
madry@MENDAX /z/testdata/support/SYD-491615/data
That said, the command I'm using there is from the netcdf-c library
(v4.3.0). The netcdf-java library seems to do better with the file, as
I can open it up in ToolsUI. Both the netcdf and hdf5 file viewers can
open the file. I also was able to serve the file out of a TDS I'm
running locally using an opendap request.
So, let me ask a couple of quick questions. Are you running your TDS on
a 64-bit machine? Do you know if the java libraries and jre you are
using are 64-bit? It's easy to miss an errant 32-bit option, which,
given the size of the file, will be a problem. Once you get past
2-something gigabytes, a 32-bit system won't manage it properly.
On 4/29/2014 11:10 AM, Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden) wrote:
> New Client Reply: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException"
> for large netcdf
> Luke and Lansing,
> Yes, these netcdf files are for the years 1950 - 2100. So those years
> 2086-2100 you saw in the calendar dates are correct. The years are also in
> the file names. These are future climate runs.
> Yes these are netcdf4 files. I generate them in MATLAB using
> ncid = netcdf.create(FULLFILENAME,'NETCDF4');
> Yes these files are compressed. I compress them in MATLAB using
> netcdf.defVarDeflate(ncid,dataID,true,true,5);
> (the compression is a 5 out of 10... so this should be about 1/2 compression).
> I wonder if you need me to make smaller files by using smaller ranges of
> years.
> Luke - would you like me to make an uncompressed file to see if that works
> better with THREDDS?
> Katherine
> ________________________________________
> From: Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden)
> Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 7:22 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Cc: Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden)
> Subject: Re: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception
> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
> Lansing and Katherine -
> Katherine, can you address Lansing's questions about your netcdf
> files? We are trying to debug thredds. It works on your smaller
> files, but some things fail on your larger files (>2GB).
> Please copy me on your correspondence...
> Thanks,
> -Luke
> --
> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
> Technology and Data Services Manager
> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
> address@hidden
> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
> On 4/26/14, 8:15 AM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>> Compressed how? I can open the file in ToolsUI, another netCDF-Java
>> interface. If they are compressed somehow, is the 3.1G the compressed
>> or uncompressed size? Are they actually netcdf4 files?
>> -Lansing
>> On 4/25/2014 6:10 PM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException"
>>> for large netcdf
>>> Thanks Lansing.
>>> I believe the netcdfs are compressed. Perhaps that is playing a role here?
>>> I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Luke
>>> --
>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>> address@hidden
>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>> On 4/25/14, 3:10 PM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>>>> Luke,
>>>> I finally got my system back online today. It's not clear what
>>>> happened, but I had to wipe out and reinstall my standard toolkit
>>>> programs. I fired up a catalog with your file in it, which is 3.1G in
>>>> size. I noticed that trying to download the entire dataset through the
>>>> ncss service failed because the maximum size limit in threddsConfig.xml
>>>> is set at the default 52428800 (50 Megabytes). I upped the maximum size
>>>> by editing this parameter in threddsConfig:
>>>> <NetcdfSubsetService>
>>>> <allow>true</allow>
>>>> <scour>15 min</scour>
>>>> <maxAge>30 min</maxAge>
>>>> <!--maxFileDownloadSize>2097152</maxFileDownloadSize-->
>>>> <!--maxFileDownloadSize>52428800</maxFileDownloadSize-->
>>>> <maxFileDownloadSize>10552428800</maxFileDownloadSize>
>>>> </NetcdfSubsetService>
>>>> Then I realized that somehow, the file is being seen as much larger than
>>>> 3.1G, which is an odd behavior...I shouldn't have to specify 10G to
>>>> cover a 3.1G file. So, I'll have to dig and see what's going on.
>>>> Have a good weekend,
>>>> Lansing
>>>> On 4/11/2014 5:31 PM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
>>>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception
>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>> Thanks Lansing -
>>>>> I've attached the latest log files.
>>>>> I am somewhat familiar with the data. These are downscaled climate
>>>>> model outputs. Some of the data are historical and some are
>>>>> predictive. The one you were looking at is predicting climate
>>>>> scenarios for periods in the future (the years 2086 through 2100). I
>>>>> don't see anything weird with those dates in the data that you were
>>>>> looking at...
>>>>> Have a great weekend, and I look forward to working with you soon to get
>>>>> the java exception.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -Luke
>>>>> --
>>>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>>>> On 4/11/14, 3:58 PM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>>>>>> baby steps...
>>>>>> When you get a moment, could you repeat the log capture procedure? I'm
>>>>>> about to head out for the day, but I'll pull this up again on Monday. I
>>>>>> looked at one of the files already, which I downloaded using the http
>>>>>> server. Are you familiar with the data, by chance? I notice that the
>>>>>> calendar dates (Gregorian, days since 1901-01-01) are for 2086-2100. Is
>>>>>> this right, or is something else fishy here?
>>>>>> Have a good weekend!
>>>>>> -Lansing
>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>> ===================
>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>> Link:
>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>>>> Ticket Details
>>>> ===================
>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>> Priority: High
>>>> Status: Open
>>> Ticket Details
>>> ===================
>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>> Priority: High
>>> Status: Open
>>> Link:
>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>> Ticket Details
>> ===================
>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>> Department: Support THREDDS
>> Priority: High
>> Status: Open
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
> Department: Support THREDDS
> Priority: High
> Status: Open
> Link:
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SYD-491615
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: High
Status: Open