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[THREDDS #VNI-792787]: WMS error
- Subject: [THREDDS #VNI-792787]: WMS error
- Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 09:20:16 -0700
Hi Hualan,
Ah, I think we're getting somewhere now! I'll be happy to add the
customized grib tables to the TDS when I am confident that I'm not going
to break something. When I was looking at the gldas data files (CLM,
Mosaic, Noah), I saw that all of them were using
Center-Subcenter-Version 221-221-1. However, I noticed a subtle
difference on the parameter definition of at least one variable, and
then there was the oddity of having the same parameter number map to
multiple levels. Strictly speaking, this sort of thing (deviating from
one-to-one mapping) is not allowed, even if the "value" is the same at
the different levels, and different datasets with different parameters
should have individual grib tables for those datasets. Furthermore,
before I hard code in a Version 1 table, I need to be sure that the
table has never changed. If some parameter was changed, or even added,
the version number should increment. That way, someone who created a
dataset using the Version 1 table a couple of years ago won't experience
a problem when someone uses the "new" table to read their data.
All that said, I don't know much about Panoply, but the TDS does allow
custom grib tables to be used at the local level:
It's possible for someone running a TDS to include these tables locally
for serving up data. On the other hand, if I can get definitive,
composite tables for the following datasets, I'll include them in our
Including them in our distribution would ultimately be the better
option, as then anyone using our software would have the correct tables
for these datasets.
Many Thanks,
On 1/10/2014 9:06 AM, Rui, Hualan (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC] wrote:
> New Client Reply: WMS error
> Hi Lansing,
> I am Hualan Rui at GES DISC and I am responsible for NLDAS/GLDAS and other
> hydrology data sets.
> Regarding to your inquiries about NLDAS/GLDAS GRIBTAB files, I would like to
> explain that the parameters of NLDAS/GLDAS cannot be completely mapped to a
> WMO standard GRIB table, that is why each NLDAS/GLDAS data set comes with its
> own GRIBTAB file. That is also why the GRIBTAB files we use at DISC have head
> line as "-1:-1:-1:-1". Some other software, for example Panoply, allows to
> input customized GRIBTAB file, but still requires to input information for
> the center, subcenter and version of the GRIBTAB. Therefore, for the
> convenience of Panoply users, we changed the headline to the center,
> subcenter and version of the GRIBTAB. FYI, attached is the recipe, "How to
> View GLDAS or NLDAS data in GRIB format with Panoply?"
> We get the information of center, subcenter and version of the GRIBTAB from
> the output of wgrib (a software for reading GRIB files). For example, if I
> run a command of "wgrib -V GLDAS_CLM10SUBP_3H.A20131103.0000.001.grb", I can
> find "center 221 subcenter 221 process 221 Table 1" from the output.
> Overall, yes, you are right, the NLDAS/GLDAS GRIBTAB files cannot be mapped
> to any WMO standard GRIBTAB table exactly, therefore, customized GRIBTAB
> files are needed. Since NLDAS/GLDAS data are in high spatial and temporal
> resolution, have long temporal coverage, and contain many parameters, the
> subsetting service is heavily demanded. The current available subsetting
> services are either a FORTAN program or GrADS Data Server (GDS), but both of
> them are suffering performance issues. We have tested the subsetting via TDS
> and found that TDS performed much better. Therefore we are really hope that
> the capacity for allowing customized GRIBTAB file can be added to the TDS, so
> that the TDS will work with NLDAS/GLDAS data sets correctly (I mean correct
> in terms of parameter names).
> If you need more information, please let us know. Whenever you want to
> discuss with the data providers, please let me know.
> Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
> Thanks!
> Hualan Rui
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Fang, Fan (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
>> Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 8:06 AM
>> To: address@hidden
>> Cc: Rui, Hualan (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
>> Subject: RE: [THREDDS #VNI-792787]: WMS error
>> Hi Lansing,
>> You can write to Hualan (address@hidden) about your inquiries.
>> Hualan, if needed, you may ask producers of these tables to
>> clarify/correct these issues. Thanks.
>> -Fan
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 3:57 PM
>> To: Fang, Fan (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]
>> Cc: address@hidden; Fang, Fan (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET
>> Subject: [THREDDS #VNI-792787]: WMS error
>> Hi Fan,
>> I'm going through the tables you provided, and I think it would be best
>> if you would put me in direct contact with the data owner you've
>> mentioned below. The sample files that seem to correspond with the
>> tables look for 221-221-1, but the tables themselves are subtly
>> different, and have wildly different completeness. As is, I cannot
>> include them.
>> Thanks,
>> Lansing
>> Ticket Details
>> ===================
>> Ticket ID: VNI-792787
>> Department: Support THREDDS
>> Priority: Normal
>> Status: Open
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: VNI-792787
> Department: Support THREDDS
> Priority: Normal
> Status: Open
> Link:
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23032
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VNI-792787
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open