On 10/21/2013 11:26 PM, John Caron wrote:
Hi Patrick:
I think you can use multiple datasetScan. Not sure if you are asking
something else? Did you try that?
Hi John,
yes I have tried. It is all right to associate different services to
different type of files.
What I would like to do is to bypass the display of the form (the one
that exposes the different service, see attached image from my previous
and display directly the content of the file.
In fact, I would like to get the same behaviour that with an http server
for text files and html files.
Is it possible to configure my thredds catalog this way ?
On 10/21/2013 3:23 AM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:
Hi John,
I come back on this issue raised by Nicolas, offline this time.
Actually Nicolas and I work for the same institute (IPSL).
He works on the upgrade of an old DODS server (cgi-bin) by a TDS
We would like to keep the classic direct http access for text files
(extension *.txt) and
offer the new services proposed by the TDS for netCDF files.
The present situation is that you always pass by the form that
exposed the dataset and its services (see attached captured image).
As said, for this kind of extension (*txt), no other service other than
would be proposed and so we would like to expose their content directly.
Same with html files.
Is is possible ?
try :
Best regards