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[THREDDS #BOJ-461170]: ncISO metadata services error
- Subject: [THREDDS #BOJ-461170]: ncISO metadata services error
- Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 09:30:05 -0600
Hi Misha,
Are you seeing this error on a server you are running, or one that you are
hitting for a request? I notice that the versino is quite out of date.
Lansing Madry
Boulder, Colorado
> Full Name: Misha Krassovski
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: ORNL
> Package Version: Version 4.2.9 - 20111108.1758
> Operating System: RH Linux
> Hardware:
> Description of problem: Hi!
> I have errors when trying to reach ncISO services:
> browser shows "HTTP status 500 - internal server error". It does it for NCML,
> ISO and UDDC services only, OpenDAP and HTTPServer links work fine. In the
> threddsServlet.log file I can see the following message:
> ERROR - thredds.server.metadata.controller.IsoController - Error in ISO:
> catalog=http%3A%2F%2Fplot1.ornl.go
> v%2Fthredds%2Fcatalog%2FCDIAC%2FAmeriFlux%2FARM_SGP_Main%2Fcatalog.html&dataset=CDIAC%2FAmeriFlux%2FARM_SGP_Main%2FAMF_USARM_2012_L2_WG_V005.nc
> org.jdom.IllegalDataException: The data "null" is not legal for a JDOM
> attribute: A null is not a legal XML value.
> I just copied one for ISO, but it is the same for NCML and UDDC. More
> detailed info is in the attachment iso_error.txt.
> All services properly declared in threddsConfig.xml and in catalog.xml. I
> just don't know where else to dig.
> Thank you in advance,
> Misha
-Lansing Madry
Boulder, Colorado
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: BOJ-461170
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open