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Re: River Forecasting Center Aggregations
- Subject: Re: River Forecasting Center Aggregations
- Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 14:15:44 -0500
Sorry for not being more specific, data is only available through 8/4 and the
"Size" doesn't show in the "files" catalogs.
On Aug 10, 2012, at 1:31 PM, John Caron wrote:
> Hi David:
> can you describe what you saw that seems wrong?
> Im not seeing that extra domain for KMSR on 8081, but i havent looked harder.
> John
> On 8/10/2012 10:25 AM, David Blodgett wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> It turns out that the folks I'm working with here that said things were
>> back working have been hitting motherlode on 9080. I went to look and it
>> appears that 8081 isn't doing the right thing with this data.
>> Any ideas?
>> Dave Blodgett
>> Center for Integrated Data Analytics (CIDA)
>> USGS WI Water Science Center
>> 8505 Research Way Middleton WI 53562
>> 608-821-3899 | 608-628-5855 (cell)
>> http://cida.usgs.gov <http://cida.usgs.gov/>
>> On Aug 4, 2012, at 3:34 PM, John Caron wrote:
>>> motherlode:8081 should have these merged back, using original domain.
>>> let me know if you see any problems.
>>> On 8/4/2012 1:34 PM, David Blodgett wrote:
>>>> This is interesting. I'll need to look at the grid more closely to
>>>> know what we want to do. Thanks for getting back to us on this.
>>>> Until we have a different solution, can you ignore the shift just to
>>>> get the main service back up and running.
>>>> We've been trying to find a way that we can take over hosting this
>>>> data by signing up for the IDD stream, but have run into a number of
>>>> road blocks. The latest is the DOI web application firewall which
>>>> only allows incoming connections over HTTP and setting up a DMZ is
>>>> pretty much out of the question. I'm working with some folks from the
>>>> weather service on this and we will find a solution eventually. In
>>>> the short run, do you mind continuing to host the real time stream on
>>>> Motherlode?
>>>> Last question, sorry to pester. This IDD stream was being hosted on
>>>> an FTP that went down in early June. We made a bad assumption, that
>>>> motherlode had a 45 day window of the data. Just realized this
>>>> yesterday. So our archive is now missing 7 days. Guessing there's
>>>> nothing to be done at this point? There's no chance of a few extra
>>>> days still sitting around in a location hidden to the motherlode
>>>> server is there?
>>>> Thanks for all your help John, we really appreciate it.
>>>> Dave
>>>> On Aug 4, 2012, at 1:20 PM, John Caron <address@hidden
>>>> <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
>>>>> On 8/1/2012 8:01 PM, David Blodgett wrote:
>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>> We are trying to figure out what's up with the RFC aggregations.
>>>>>> Jordan already sent you one note.
>>>>>> I followed a link to display this:
>>>>>> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:9080/thredds/catalog/grib/NPVU/RFC/KMSR-North-Central-RFC/files/catalog.html?dataset=grib/NPVU/RFC/files/KMSR/NPVU_RFC_KMSR_NWS_152_20120730.grib1
>>>>>> in the toolsUI (the link at the bottom of the dataset page.
>>>>>> That brought me into a thredds catalog chooser tab showing four
>>>>>> grib1 datasets that are not listed in the root catalog from 7/30,
>>>>>> 7/31, 8/01, and 8/02.
>>>>>> I dug in and found that
>>>>>> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:9080/thredds/dodsC/grib/NPVU/RFC/files/KMSR/NPVU_RFC_KMSR_NWS_152_20120802.grib1
>>>>>> exists, but is not listed in the catalog and is not included in the
>>>>>> FMRC aggregation.
>>>>>> We've got some beach water quality monitoring folks who REALLY want
>>>>>> this data to work reliably to drive models that predict beach
>>>>>> closures so… we're getting some pressure to get things working again.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Dave Blodgett
>>>>> Ok, so what happened is that on 7/30 the GRIB files started showing
>>>>> up with a slightly shifted grid. All the records that use that new
>>>>> grid are now in a group called
>>>>> RFC/PolarStereographic_350X450 (Center 43.70N 93.40W)
>>>>> which you can see from this catalog:
>>>>> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8081/thredds/catalog/grib/NPVU/RFC/catalog.html
>>>>> My diagnostics show:
>>>>> compare gds1 - gds22
>>>>> Start x diff : 2.355558
>>>>> Start y diff : 2.421718
>>>>> End x diff : 2.355558
>>>>> End y diff : 2.421718
>>>>> Center lon diff : 0.031485
>>>>> Center lat diff : 0.015480
>>>>> so apparently it shifted 2.3 km in both x and y direction.
>>>>> I can "fix" this by telling the server to ignore this shift. Is that
>>>>> what you want? If so, which grid (old or new) do you want to use? I
>>>>> assume that going forward it will be on the new grid, but perhaps
>>>>> you can find out if the shift is real or a bug.
>>>>> PS:
>>>>> We are running released versions of TDS 4.3 on
>>>>> motherlode.ucar.edu:8081, and development testing on 9080. So i
>>>>> would recommend that you move to 8081 server for now. We will
>>>>> eventually mover 4.3 onto the "production" server on port 8080, and
>>>>> you will want to move again when that happens.