This is what a user tried to do and it didn't work:
2> nc_dump_log.txt
The security is not the issue here as I can get it through the normal
browser. AFAIK these are the supported OpenDAP formats:
.ascii - txt
.dods - some binary format (not NetCDF)
.dds - doesn't work with Gateway but it's just the metadata anyway
.das - doesn't work either for the same reason and I have no idea what
it is (attribute values?)
I've downloaded the dods file, as I was going to tell the user this is
what he should be downloading, but I couldn't open it with NASAs
Panoply. I guess that's because it's not a NetCDF stream, it's some
OpenDAP half binary stream. I don't have the ncdump program so I can't
test this (the one I could find was linked to the 4.1.1 library and
AFAICT it won't work because of the security.
Basically, the question would be: is it possible to get the NetCDF
file via OpenDAP?
Should the user directly access the fileServer endpoint for that, even
using ncdump?
Should *.nc.dods be the default endpoint for those cases?
Any information on the subject would be greatly appreciated :-)