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[THREDDS #NON-921195]: Hard coding generated URL references
- Subject: [THREDDS #NON-921195]: Hard coding generated URL references
- Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 14:58:40 -0600
Hi Daryl,
> I've got Thredds setup and going on an Unidata Equipment Grant provided
> machine, thanks. Just having one issue. The machine (mtarchive-priv)
> runs tomcat, but the http traffic comes proxied from another system
> (mtarchive). The problem is that generated URLs are using the hostname of
> the tomcat system, which is not reachable from the internets. For
> example:
> http://mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu/thredds/catalog/mtarchive/2008/12/31/gempak/model/catalog.html?dataset=mtarchive/2008/12/31/gempak/model/2008123121_ruc211.gem
> and the Data URL here:
> http://mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu/thredds/dodsC/mtarchive/2008/12/31/gempak/model/2008123121_ruc211.gem.html
> I tried hard coding the 'mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu' in the catalog.xml
> like so:
> <service name="allServices" base="" serviceType="compound">
> <service name="dapService" serviceType="OpenDAP"
> base="http://mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu/thredds/dodsC/" />
> <service name="httpService" serviceType="HTTPServer"
> base="http://mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu/thredds/fileServer/" />
> <service name="wcsService" serviceType="WCS"
> base="http://mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu/thredds/wcs/" />
> <service name="ncss" serviceType="NetcdfSubset"
> base="http://mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu/thredds/ncss/grid/" />
> </service>
Did you start off with server relative URLs in the "base" attribute? Like the
<service name="allServices" base="" serviceType="compound">
<service name="dapService" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />
<service name="httpService" serviceType="HTTPServer"
base="/thredds/fileServer/" />
<service name="wcsService" serviceType="WCS" base="/thredds/wcs/" />
<service name="ncss" serviceType="NetcdfSubset" base=/thredds/ncss/grid/" />
If not, that may solve the problem with the data access URLs you are seeing on
the TDS dataset page (your first URL). I don't think that will fix the problem
URLs in the "OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form" page (your second URL). This looks
like it might be caused a proxy configuration problem.
Most TDS generated URLs are relative to the server (e.g., "/thredds/dodsC/") or
relative the the current document's base URL. There are only a few places where
it is necessary to generate absolute URLs. In those cases, the TDS uses
information from the incoming HTTP request to construct the generated URLs. It
is up to the proxy to send the correct information to the proxied server so the
request information will be correct.
What version of the TDS are you running? And what are you using to proxy your
We have a web page (possibly a bit out of date) on Tomcat/Apache proxying with
mod_proxy and mod_jk:
that might be useful.
Another useful tool is on the TDS Admin/Debug pages. You have to have TDS
Remote Management configured before you can use it. Information on seting up
remote management is here
Once that is setup, from the admin/debug page on your server:
Follow the "Show HTTP Request info" link to
which will list, among other things, the "req.getServerName()" which should in
your case be "mtarchive.geol.iastate.edu".
If that doesn't help or you keep running into problems, let us know and we can
dig deeper.
> but must need to specify it in another location?
> thanks,
> daryl
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NON-921195
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed