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[THREDDS #SLB-576483]: Thredds/Google Earth WMS Issue
- Subject: [THREDDS #SLB-576483]: Thredds/Google Earth WMS Issue
- Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 16:50:52 -0700
Hi John,
From these results:
> Req.getServerName(): hostname
> Req.getServerPort(): 443
> Req.getRemoteHost(): proxyName
I think your proxy configuration needs some tweaking. I would expect
getServerName() to give "proxyName" and getRemoteHost() to give the name of the
machine from which you made the request.
I'm not an expert with proxy configuration. Let me ask our web person here to
take a look at it and advise.
> Our proxy configuration is as follows:
> The httpd.conf file stored in /etc/httpd/conf/ includes an ajp_proxy_config
> file stored in /etc/httpd/conf.d/. The ajp_proxy_config file contains the
> following:
> "LoadModule proxy_ap_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so
> RewriteRule ^/thredds$ https://hostname/thredds/ [R,P]
> ProxyPass /thredds/ ajp://localhost:8109/thredds/
> ProxyPassReverse /thredds/ ajp://localhost:8109/thredds/"
> I didn't see any reference to the "ProxyRequests On" or the
> "ProxyPreserveHost On" in the ajp_proxy_config file.
> When viewing the remote management page/Show HTTP Request info link, I got
> the following:
> Req.getServerName(): hostname
> Req.getServerPort(): 443
> Req.getRemoteHost(): proxyName
> All of which is technically correct. The issue is that if I, using
> google earth, pass a wms request to thredds, for example
> https://proxyname/ thredds/wms/NGDS_SOCAL_15/netcdf_t000.nc?, it
> reads the layers in the netcdf, but the resulting getMap request is
> https://hostname/thredds/wms/NGDS_SOCAL_15/netcdf_t000.nc?VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=512&HEIGHT=512&LAYERS=temperatureWater&STYLES=BOXFILL/rainbow&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image/gif
> If I modify capabilities_xml pages to replace hostname with proxyname,
> google earth can't read the layers. Also when viewing the GetCapabilities
> page in the web browser, instead of displaying
> <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
> xlink:href="http://hostname/thredds/wms/NGDS_GBL/netcdf.nc"/>,
> we would like to dispay
> <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
> xlink:href="http://proxyName/thredds/wms/NGDS_GBL/netcdf.nc"/>
> Do you think we need to modify our proxy configuration? Can we configure
> it so that the proxyName is used in the resulting GetCapabilities pages
> instead of the hostname?
> Thanks,
> ______________________
> John C. Thadison
> Radiance Technologies
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SLB-576483
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: High
Status: Open