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Re: Grib from WCS via THREDDS?
- Subject: Re: Grib from WCS via THREDDS?
- Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 11:06:51 -0700
Hi Ben,
The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) will do what you ask regarding the service of GRIB files via a WCS interface. What it returns is either a geoTIFF or a netCDF file. I have the TDS running on my Windows PC and doing just that.
As to WCS clients, I suggest you look through the GALEON lists of clients and servers on the web pages at:
I have had limited experience with IDL, GMU LAITS, CADCORP, and U of Florence. They all provide some of the limited functionality available via the WCS
1.0 interface. It will be very interesting to see how the capability expands once WCS 1.1 is formally adopted and implemented in clients and servers.
Note that IDV and ESRI do not have WCS interfaces yet, but I have built some Python scripts that implement a small subset of the WCS interface, but enough to get at GRIB files from remote TDSs and return netCDF files on the local machine. Those files can then be manipulated on the local machine via IDV and ESRI. Others have modified those scripts into modules that can be invoked within ESRI arcGIS
9.2 and use that as a makeshift, limited, but serviceable WCS client module.
I find the Python approach a very good way to get a practical, "hands on" sense of what WCS is all about. It also has some interesting possibilities as a means for a programmatic interface for "chaining" web services, but that's another topic.
-- Ben
On 12/8/06, Ben Burford <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello All,
Basic question - does THREDDS support Grib files and a WCS interface (such t
hat I can put big Grib data files (NWP model output data) on a THREDDS serve
r and access the data from a WCS enabled client)?
If so, can you also tell me what free WCS clients are available that will ac
cess THREDDS as a WCS?
Thank you very much,
(Burford - the other Ben)
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