Hello Ethan,
I have managed to download all missing .jar libraries and build the
thredds.war file. There are some compile errors, but ant is still able
to build the .war file, and I believe that the major part of Thredds
is not affected.
Now I am trying to make sure my new class CrawlableDatasetDods is
called. The following is a datasetScan that I have created for it.
<datasetScan name="DodsTest" path="testDods"
ID="mytest" addDatasetSize="true" addLatest="true">
className="thredds.crawlabledataset.CrawlableDatasetDods" />
<metadata inherited="true">
Unfortunately this does not work. After inspecting log-files, and
creating additional log entries, I have concluded that the function
works as I expect. However, the function
InvDatasetScan.buildCatalogBuilder() is never called, whichever link I
try. I was expecting that this function would be called when I go to
the following link:
But the only thing I get is a HTTP Status 404 - message, with
description "The requested resource () is not available".
Note that my location starts with "http:". I have seen code that only
accepts paths starting with '/', so I'm a bit suspicious whether I
have understood the location field properly.
Any ideas?