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Re: Degrib 1.75 (fwd)
- Subject: Re: Degrib 1.75 (fwd)
- Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 08:39:27 -0700 (MST)
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 10:29:05 -0500
From: Jennifer Adams <address@hidden>
To: Robb Kambic <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Degrib 1.75 (fwd)
Thanks! I am still in vacation mode and not quite ready to think
about grib 2, but I know I will need to face it in 2006 and I
appreciate your keeping me informed. I may have to add myself to
Arthur Taylor's mailing list. Let me know if you need more help with
BUFR. My experience has been fairly limited (more about writing the
GrADS interface than actual BUFR decoding), but I always appreciate
having someone to write to and ask questions. Glenn Rutledge's group
at NCDC is also wrestling with BUFR, and someone there wrote a perl
decoder for some BUFR data from the NWS that you may be interested
in. Jack Woollen is another expert to tap for information.
On Dec 29, 2005, at 10:08 AM, Robb Kambic wrote:
> Jennifer,
> here is a grib package in c with a fortran engine that actually
> does the
> grib decoding. these folks are part of ncep.
> robb...
> ======================================================================
> =========
> Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
> address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> ======================================================================
> =========
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2005 12:35:35 -0500
> From: arthur.taylor <address@hidden>
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Degrib 1.75
> Hi everyone,
> You all have the unique distinction of being registered on my degrib
> (aka NDFD_GRIB2Decoder) mailing list (all 944 of us). (I'd like to
> welcome: shasbarg, ahmetemretekeli1975, michael.allen, ken.pavelle,
> venus, dmayley, a.treloar, bfreeland, jancle, acrunya, maik.troemel,
> kdahn, roy.peck, eweller, kquayeno, lixu, xmah, kevin.alger,
> peter.dituri, jfleroux, j.veneziano, jcbagley, kevin_scasny,
> trwinikler,
> alvator, jwinter, jbing, purcell, fkw, EYTANF, snook, kerry.jones,
> Gwyn.Fireman, phyleiliu, Nicolas.Kerspern, ampike, dalmazio.mandich,
> normeaglestone, samdanwm, tim.haverland, chandu234u, tat, jason_hicok,
> sandro.carniel, calkins.larry, mike_cowboy, d.deriso,
> David.Billingsley,
> I.Senior, jsmokin, dwayne.keir, jmperezgodoy, martinst, sander,
> mvjoybells, hong2da, francois.linteau, wbastin, mnicedude)
> Please let me know (email me) if you want to unregister. The latest
> version of the program is on www.weather.gov/mdl/degrib/ (or
> www.weather.gov/mdl/NDFD_GRIB2Decoder/).
> ----------- General News:
> Per John Jones 10/28/2005 announcement, and TIN (Technical
> Implementation Notices) 05-72, Wind Direction and Wind Speed are
> becoming operational today. What that means for you is that for wind
> speed and wind direction, the URL changes from:
> "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/SL.us008001/ST.expr/DF.gr2/DC.ndfd/" to
> "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/SL.us008001/ST.opnl/DF.gr2/DC.ndfd/"
> (similarly for the ftp site) for all the sectors (CONUS and
> reconfigure tcldegrib / tkdegrib, you should do any of: 1) download
> the
> new release, 2) In tkdegrib use "file->configure" to change the status
> of those elements, or 3) either edit "c:/ndfd/degrib17/bin/ndfd.ini".
> ----------- News about this release:
> I have just finished putting together version "1.75" (last one that I
> announced was "1.74" on 10/31/2005).
> This release focused on reconfiguring NDFD variables, getting 64 bit
> compliant code, updating web.tcl, and adding better ensemble support
> (both with GRIB2 template 4.12, and paying attention to the ensemble
> section of the GRIB1 PDS).
> 1) Reconfigured the ndfd.ini file for Ws/Wd due to TIN 05-72 making
> them
> operational 12/8/2005. In addition, I found out that I had missed TIN
> 05-55, 05-60, 05-60aaa (see: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/notif.htm#tin)
> which stated that Guam's elements (temp, maxt, mint, pop12, dp, wx)
> had
> gone operational on 9/20/2005.
> 2) Finally got 64 bit compliant code. Have compiled it on the IBM AIX
> machine in 64 bit mode, and have tested it against my test suite. Was
> unable to test tcldegrib / tkdegrib as tcl/tk was not compiled in
> 64 bit
> mode on the IBM. Was also unable to create a makefile.linux64 as I
> don't have access to a 64 bit linux machine (Someone help me out
> here?... Use makefile.aix64 and makefile.linux as a template.)
> 3) Rewrote web.tcl to handle all the NDGD data, and cleaned it up. In
> addition, taught it about the NDFD variables apt.bin and rhm.bin. In
> addition created a rename convention version 2 to handle some issues
> that had come up.
> 4A) Implemented table 4.12 (NCEP ensemble data is using this table in
> GRIB2). During tests on sample sref data, came across multiple SNOL
> grids that looked identical. Still investigating what meta data
> differentiates them.
> 4B) Adjusted the handling of APCP to tack on the # of hours used in
> the
> accumulation. APCP12, APCP06, etc.
> 5) Adjusted how tcldegrib/tkdegrib stores the NDGD data:
> 5a) gfsmos data (/data/ndgd/mosgfs/conus/day1-3/maxt.bin ->
> /data/ndgd/gfsmos/conus/maxt_d13.bin)
> 5b) Air Quality data (/data/ndgd/conus/ -> /data/ndgd/aq)
> 6) Found a minor bug in the NCEP encoder / decoder library that was
> treating the limit factor differently in probability template 4.9 than
> in probability template 4.5. Have informed the keeper of that
> library.
> 7) Changed the behavior of the local use look up code to separate HPC
> from NCEP's standard look up. This is because HPC's local use
> table has
> a conflict with the standard NCEP local use table
> 8) Adjusted GRIB1 code to support meta data (PDS section) of ensemble
> messages. See http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/gmb/ens/info/
> ens_grib.html.
> 9) Fixed an old bug with tkdegrib, reported by Jack Settelmaier, which
> made it unable to browse directories that had files with [] in the
> names.
> 10) Thanks to Ryan Boyles, found that if someone changes the -Unit
> option, it did not overwrite the old NetCDF file. This resulted in
> confusion as to what unit was used in the NetCDF file. Have now
> changed
> it so that it makes sure that the chosen -Unit option matches the one
> used with the existing NetCDF file. If they match, then it appends
> the
> data, if they don't, it should over-write the old NetCDF file.
> 11) Updated the subcenters list to reflect that NCEP now has a Space
> Environment Center.
> 12) Fixed the -C -Map option (accidentally broke it in 1.74).