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Thredds uses
- Subject: Thredds uses
- Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 15:40:56 +1000
I have just been looking at the state of the various DODS servers. My
DODS work has been on hiatus while to cut a long story short "some other
stuff was happening". I'm back on the wagon now.
Can you answer a simple question for me - Can the Agg server read netCDF
files from a remote URL and serve them up?
I have a cgi script which will take my crazy MARS requests in a URL, and
give back a netCDF file. What would be easiest for me would be to build
a catalog of these using the Aggregation server. I had been working on
modifying the back end of a DODS server, but it would be a very simple
solution if I could just point the Agg server at a URL.
When I actually try this, I get some NullPointerExceptions in the log
file, and the data set does not appear. It could be a bad configuration
on my part, but I am not so sure. It works fine for the remote data sets
in the sample configuration file, but obviously they are dods URLS
rather than actual netCDF files.
I also have has some troubles with some local files that I have, again
I'm getting runtime exceptions without any real explanation of what's
going on.
I went looking for THREDDS source code. I think I have a copy of some
anyway from about 8 months ago when I was tinkering with modifying DODS
to be able to query my unusual database backend directly, but I would
prefer to work off current code.